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Haven't taking my pills in a little over a week since my mom been in this damn hospital. I can't bring myself to do it. Nobody says anything to me. Only my daughter. Angie have the nerves to say she loves me. If you love me, why you not saying shit to me? That what pissing me off right now.

We all are still in my room. We couldnt leave her side. The manager of the hospital tried kicking us out. That didn't work so good. Considering how much money my dad & uncle pay to let us stay.

Can believe since my mom been in the hospital Sam haven't called nor came by? She tripping big time. I got a feeling something going to happen today.

Right now mostly every body either sleep, playing cards or just looking around.

My mom still weak after her surgery, but you think that stop her from going off on us? Nope not my mama. She done check two nurses so far who came in here trying to touch on my dad and KD. Weak and all that lady heard my mama mouth. That causes her blood pressure to rise though. And my dad to almost having a heart attack. His skinny ass on my mom bed right now trying to cope a feel. Just nasty. My mom smiling in her sleep. Why old people do that though?

Angie was eating. I made sure her ass eat. I went to get her some pizza with lemon pepper.

My mom room door open. Sam stood there looking at all us with glares.

Lord not today. I haven't take my meds either. Something could get set the fuck off.

"Damn look who decided to finally decided to show up." Uncle C said with his own glare looking at her.

I really didn't have shit to say to her.

"I wish y'all called me sooner." Sam snapped.

"Excuse you? I advise you to bring your attitude down a notch. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit today. We called you since day one. Don't try the bullshit. This is a warning." Uncle C said.

"See this the reason why I didn't want to come now. All this attitude for no damn reason." Sam said with attitude.

Lord please keep me sane. I'm trying to change. I prayed in my head.

"Nobody told your ass to show up. The people that was here from day one haven't left. You on some other bullshit right now." Kasey said with attitude of her own.

Sam glared at Kasey.

Then she looked over at me and Angie and started smirking. From my understanding. Her and Angie haven't got along since day one, because Sam called Angie an ungrateful bitch for keeping Kel away from me.

"Tuh you finally told him about Kelsey I see. I bet he beat your ass huh?" Sam smirked.

Why she doing all this shit in the hospital. Never mind this is a good place for her to be, if she don't stop the bullshit. I'm going to beat her ass. You heard/see right. Me! Going to beat her ass.

"Now is not the time. So leave me alone and get the hell out my face." Angie told Sam.

Sam fast walked her ass in Angie face. I got up immediately. She hurt my babies that bitch dealing with me.

Sam looked up at me like I lost my mind.

"You taking this bitch side now?" She growled out at me.

"Man look, don't you see my mom in the hospital bed man? Don't start with me today. I swear I'll put your ass in here. Gone about your business. You doing all this shit for what? I be damn if you let my momma blood pressure rise again. I swear to go I'll beat your ass. So if you not here to show your support like everyone else. Get your ass out of here. Today is not the day, and I will not let you disrespect my mom like that." I said to her in a calm voice.

"Look here you bipolar frea--------"

I grab that bitch by her throat and slang her up against the wall. She been pushing me. She really was. All this anger I have in me. I'll squeeze her neck til the bitch break.

"Keenan let her go." I heard my dad said.

"Fuck that." I growled out. Sam tried to breath and digging her nails in my arm. I didn't felt shit. "I asked you nicely to calm your ass down. My mom is sick and she don't need this stress around her. Your ass want to play the big bad wolf and shit. But check this out I'm big bad Keenan. When I say do something you do it, for the sake of your own safety. But bitches like you, yeah you always fuck shit up. Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't snap your fucking neck?"

"Da da da da." I heard Kel. I left Sam go super fast. That bitch drop to the floor gasping for air. I turn around and saw my dad holding Kel on the bed with my mom who was looking at me too.


"Keenan when the last time you take your meds?" She asked me.

"Since last week." I answered with my head down.

Everybody gasps. Angie move away from me.

"Where your pills Keen?" My mom asked me.

"In the trash." I answered.

"Kenny go in my purse and get Keenan other bottle of pills for me." My mom said to my dad.

My dad hand her her purse and my mom got out three of the pills and hand them to me.

"Take them now Keenan. Angel get him some water." My mom said. So damn demanding and shit.

I took my pills and drink the water Angie hand me.

"Damn I thought sure she been going to die." Cory said.

"Keenan I know you worried about me. Don't let worrying about me, make you hurt somebody. In a hospital at that. Take your meds. Lord Jesus if God do call me home any time soon what would y'all do without me?" My mom shook her head.

"Go with you." We all said except Sam and the kids.

I love my mom man.

I'm going to need for Keenan to take his meds on a daily basis lol.

Sam neck about to be gone

Mama Sky still making orders on the bed.

Papa Ken trying to cope a feel.

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