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I woke up feeling good as ever. That nap was good.

I went downstairs to see my parents in the living room with my younger siblings.

"Wassup y'all." I greeted them.

They looked at me and shook their head.

"What wrong with y'all?" I asked them.

"You is what wrong with us Keenan. You need to change your ways before you end up in jail son. You about there now." My dad said.

"Man that nigga approach me first. You think I'm going to seat right there While that man walk up on me like I'm pussy. Hell no!" I said.

See I thought everything been going to be gravy but I guess not.

"No I'm not saying walking away, but Keenan you put the nigga in the damn hospital." My dad said back.

"Well I was just defending myself."

"Your ass in college now Keen it's time to grow the hell up.! That temper you got for no reason isn't going up work with those professors up there at that school." My mom stated.

I was tired listening to them preach to me about shit I can't change. Shit is pointless.

"Ma, dad listen man I'm sorry I'm a fuck up individual, but wasn't it fuck up for y'all to keep my child away from me? I lost a year of my child life." I said sadly.

They just looked at each other and looked back at me.

"It wasn't our place to let you know shit, u better take that up with your baby mama." My dad said.

I just shook my head. Fuck that bitch.

"Nah I rather do with out the stress from that bitch man. She foul for that shit." I said.

My mom walked up to me and slap the shit out of me. Twice at that.

"Watch your fucking mouth when you talking about your child's mother like that. I raised you better then Keenan. I'm sick and tired of your ass. You going to sit down with that girl and have a decent conversation with her. You will respect her and if I hear you call her another bitch, I'm going to beat your ass my damn self and dare you to hit me back. This shit STOPS today!" My mom yelled in my face with her fists balled up.

I couldn't even say shit.

I just nodded my head and got and walk in my room.

Angelica Danielle

Kelly and I was our way to Mama Sky house. All Kelly been saying all day GG this GG that. Getting on my nerves.

So now we are at her GG house. Maybe she can shut up. When I walked in with Kelly in my arms Mama Sky and Papa Ken was watching tv.

"Hey you guys." I greeted them as Kelly jumped out my arms and went to Mama Sky.

Mama Sky walked to me.

"Upstairs now." Was all she said. She put Kelly in my arms.

I walked up the stairs to Keenan room. Lord be with me.

I knocked on the door and Kelly copy me and knocked too. I kissed her cheek.

The door open and Kelly open the door wide.

"Da da da da da da." Kelly started saying reaching for Keenan who Just stared at her like she was speaking a different language.

He finally took her from his my arms. Kelly cling to him. Wow it's amazing how she just went to him so easily like she known him a life time.

I walked in the room and sat at his desk as he laid across his bed with Kelly on his chest.

I swear it been quiet as hell in this room when I finally looked up again. They both was sleep with Kelly on his chest.

What the hell!!?

I just walked out the room and back downstairs.

Mama Sky was in the kitchen cooking as usual.

"Why you not upstairs talking?"

"Keenan and Kelly fell asleep." I went to sit at the kitchen table.

"Just like that?" Mama Sky asked me stirring her pot.

"Yep just like that."

"Wow that's amazing. Kelsey might be the one who can calm his hot tempered Ass down. I swear my son act like he bipolar."

I just nodded, because it's true. It's like he can be nice one minute. Well he never was nice to me., but yeah he can be nice one min, then the next min he flying off at the mouth. Serious issues.

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