
825 54 7

Angelica Danielle

Yes I did took my child and left. I couldn't deal with Keenan and his ways. You can't be happy one day then turn around and be angry the next. For no reason.

Then it came out he's bipolar..I mean all the signs was there, but still..I'm your baby mother and you treat me like im somebody on the streets.

I'm now doing my classes online..I can't stand to be around him.

To make matters worst. He's in the car with me now on our way back to his mom house. He not saying anything to me and I'm not saying anything to him..

Did I mention its five something in the morning?

I would go back to Crystal house, but its too late.

I pulled up behind Papa Ken. We got the car and Keenan got Kelly out the car.

While Papa Ken open the front door and got the two twins out the backseat of his car.

I went upstairs to my room I usually sleep in when I stay here.

Keenan got Kel and she needs to put on her night clothes. So I took a pamper, wipes and her night clothes. So I can put on her.

I went to knock on Keenan door.

"Yeah." He called out..

I open the door and see that Kelly was already in his bed and sound to sleep.

"She has to put on her night clothes." I said.

"I already did that." He said back..

"Okay well I'll go back to my room." I turning to leave.

"You can stay." Keenan said shocking me.

"No that's okay. I'll just go to my room." I said.

I felt a hand on my arm and I looked back at Keenan.

"Please stay."

I finally gave in and went to shower. Why did I do that in his room? He came in with me.

He didn't say anything though. He just stared at me. I didn't felt uncomfortable or anything. It's just his look is so intense.

After I was done I stepped out the shower and wrap the towel around my body.

He still just stared at me.

I walked back in the room.

"Uhh can you give me a shirt to sleep in?" I asked him.

He just nodded his head.

Only God knows what going on in his head.

I guess that pill calm him all the way down. That's a good thing.

He hand me a shirt and I covered up
Body with the shirt.

Ugh I'm not use to this Keenan he to damn quiet. The quiet ones is not always the good ones though.

"Can you at least say something?" I asked him.

"I don't have nothing to say." Was all he said.

He got into the bed and I followed behind him.

Kelly was at the front , I was in the middle, and Keenan was at the back. His arms was around me.

I don't know what to say about this boy. He send to many mix emotion my way. I don't like it one bit.

He pulled me closer to him. I felt his penis on my ass. It was hard as hell. Lord let me try to sleep.

Lord this is so short

Just wanted y'all to see what the medicine do to Keenan. As you can see it makes him quiet. More quiet how he was when I introduce him in N.E.W B.E.G.I.N.N.I.N.G.

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