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Did Angie say what I think she said last night? Nahh no way.

I'm really trying to avoid that right now. She can't love me. Nahh.

Right now I'm downstairs with my mom. She was in the living room with Kasey, KD and I.

"Where did I went wrong with you guys?" She said as tears fill her eyes.

Damn I hate when my mom cry.

"Ma what you talking about?" KD asked her.

"I just feel like I fail you guys as a mother. First KD with not telling him about the almost rape situation. Then my baby girl turning in to dyke. And now Keenan with keeping Angie secret. I'm a bad parent." She cried.

Kasey and KD looked at our mother. Something not right. Why all this all of a sudden?

"Ma what's wrong?" I asked.

Then I saw my dad entered the living room with bloodshot eyes. Oh hell no something defiantly not right.

"The doctors found a lump in my breast." My mom said as tears filled her eyes again.

My dad went to comfort her.

"Ma what that mean man. Talk!" I yelled getting upset.

Kasey had tears falling out her eyes while holding her hand over her mouth.

KD looked lost.

"If the doctors don't stop the cancer from spreading. I could die from breast cancer." My mom cried.

Nah that shit not right. Not my mom.

"Nah. Man that's wrong that shit not right!" I yelled. My ears started burning.

Before I know it tears was falling out my eyes.

"I just wanted you guys to know first before I break the news to the rest of the family." My mom said then smile.

"Ma you remember grandma Kayla had a misunderstanding. Maybe this the same thing right?" I said through my tears.

My mom nodded her head no.

"No Keenan they test me over five times. I have cancer." She said.

"Mama you can't leave us." Kasey said as she started sobbing.

"If it's my time to go, I have no choice." My mom smiled.

My mom was barely forty. Please tell me some type of joke.

My dad looked lost. He look like he was about to lose his best friend. I wonder how would he cope if my mom did lose her life to cancer. Mines well put him in the casket with her.

"I just want you guys to do me a favor just in case God do call me home." My mom said sadly.

We  stared at her waiting for her to continue.

"Kasey and KD I want you guys to go back to school. Keenan please finish school. Angel really love you. Don't break her heart again. Do right. You more of family person. Then any of my kids And Lil C kids. Prove to me you a good man." She said and I nodded.

"What if you pull through?" I had to ask.

"Still do it." She said with attitude.

Making us laugh. My dad mostly smirk. Same ol Skylar Peterson-Davis.

My dad kiss her forehead.

"When is your next appointment?" I asked.

"Today." She said.

" I'm going." I said then went to take a shower.

While in my room I just cried my eyes out. I can't lose my mom man. That's my rock. She keep this family together. She keep my dad off my ass. If she go who would I have?

A knock came at my door then Kasey and KD enter my room we did our group hug. Hugging and crying. We gone need each other more then anything.

Here we are at this doctor office and I can't stop pacing. I'll sit down and get right back up.

"Skylar Davis." A nurse called my mom. I was the first one to her side. While my dad on the other side of her.

When we got in the room it was quiet as hell.

Kasey and KD didn't came. They said they don't think they can take what the doctor would say.

"Hello Mrs. Davis." The doctor greeted her.

"Hi." My mom said weakly.

"I see you been taking your meds like you should. That's a plus." The doctor smiled.

My mom smiled weakly.

The doctor looked over her notes and frown.  Uh oh not good.

"Well it's says here you have been diagnose with cancer and a touch of pneumonia. That's not good Mrs. Davis. I think it's only right we admit you right away to get you back on
The right track. Since you at first stage of cancer we may can stop it before it spreads, but for now, let's get you to a room and admit you. First thing tomorrow morning. We going to take your in to surgery first thing in the morning to remove your breast where most of the cancer has spread. Will that be okay? It would help the situation." The doctor said smiling weak.

Before my mom or dad said anything. I took it among my self to say something.

"Yes ma'am that will be good. Where do we need to sign some papers get this shit- I meant stuff rolling? I'm not about to lose my mom." I said.

The doctor told us what we need to do. My dad and I did what we needed to do and call the rest of the family. I wasn't leaving my mom side.

A very sad chapter for me

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