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This chapter is dedicated to @The_Trib3.


Home at last. So glad to be back in my cave. I got my queen and princess with me. Life can't be better then that.

"You want something to eat?" Danny asked me.

"Nahh I'm good. How you feeling though?" I asked her.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm good. I have you and Kelsey. So I'm great." She smiled then came and sit by me.

"You know we have to go shopping for Kelsey room right? I want my baby to have every girl toy I can think of." I said.

Angie looked at me with a confused look.

"What? Did I said something wrong?"

Angie laughed.

"Yes. Kelly don't need every toy. She won't play with all of them."

"So. I still going to get it. Anything for my little girl." I kissed her cheek.

"You got her super spoiled." Angie laughed.

"You spoiled too." I said then smirked.

"Pssh boy please." Angie said then rolled her eyes.

"No dick for a week."

Angie eyes got big as hell.

"Oh hell nahh. I need that. That's my stress release." Angie said.

That made my dick jump.

"Better stop before you wake him up." I squeeze her boobs.

She moaned.

"Stop Kee they sensitive."

"Let me make them better." I whispered.

All to soon I heard Kel moving around on the baby monitor.

"Damn you lucky girl. I been about to bend you over this chair and give you daddy long stroke." I said then walked up the stairs to get my baby girl.

I need to get this my house baby proof now. I don't want my lil one to hurt herself.

"Wassup." I picked Kel up.

"Da da da." She pointed to her stomach.

Guess Danny have to cook after all.

"Aww you hungry huh?" I asked her and walked back downstairs.

Angie was sleep on the couch.  Guess I gotta cook. I'm not about to wake her up. She need her rest for tonight. If you know what I mean.

So I whipped up something light for Kel. Mac and cheese stove top and fried chicken.

Angie didn't even woke up. After I fed Kel. I gave her a bath. After that I put her in front of the tv so she can watch cartoons.

I picked Angie up in my arms and took her upstairs in my room. Can you believe she still didn't woke up? Like seriously? She that tired?

I went to watch tv with Kel. I don't know what the hell I been watching. Soon found my self sleep. I woke up from hearing a noise behind me. My window was right there.

I open one of my eyes and saw Kel sleep on the floor. So I jumped up and look and saw somebody trying to climb in my house. Lmfao seriously.

I walked to the window. I saw Angie walking down the stairs.  I put my finger to my mouth and pointed back up the stairs. She run back upstairs. I placed my back against the wall. Waiting for that punk ass muthafucka to come through.

Soon as he did, I kicked him in his face. I heard his neck crack. I pulled him inside the house, and beat his ass. I almost killed his ass, but I thought about my daughter. I beat his ass to sleep though.

I picked my daughter up and carried her upstairs.

"We will talk later." I said to Angie. Kissed her and made my way back downstairs.

I called Jay.

Jay- Wassup Nigga?

Me-Nothing man we have a problem. Come to my crib.

Jay- I'm on your side now. On the way.

Me-  Bet

I said then hang up.

I saw that nigga started moving. I walked over there and punch his ass back to sleep. His ass about to be dealt with.

Jay came and we went to trap. Jay and I put that nigga in the trunk.

"Wassup with ya?" I asked him.

Jay just shook his head.

"Man I'm doing bad. Sam pregnant."

"Oooh shit. Really! Congrats nigga."

"She don't know if it's mine or not." He said sadly.

"Oh damn."

"That shit hurt like a bitch man. I mean we both did wrong, but I never thought she would go pull that shit man. All because I was talking to this girl. She just said hey to me, but the girl meant no harm. She was shy too."

I just shook my head.

"Who was the girl?" I asks him.

"Man I don't know the girl. I don't even know how she know me." Jay shook his head.

"You and Sam need help." I said then shook my head.

We arrive at the trap.

"I hope everybody been doing what they been suppose to be doing." I said to him.

He just nodded his head.

Jay and I run a trap together.
More like he run it and I just collect money.

He got the nigga out the trunk.

We walked in. Nobody said nothing to me. Good, they know the drill.

I went to the back. Got my gun sat and wait for Jay to bring that nigga to me.

They came in. I looked at the dude. He was the same one who was trying to get with Angie that day in class.

"Give me one good reason why shouldn't kill your ass right now?" I asked him.

"I got people watching your house. You have a daughter and girlfriend right?" He smirked.

I shot him right between his eyes and walked out. One down, I don't know how many to go.

Lord shit about to get real.

Two more chapters left

Keenan mean business now

Sam  crazy!

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