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*AN- okay I only know a little about courtrooms and they rules from watching Law and Order. So don't judge me."

Angelica Danielle

"Lord I hope goes good." Mama Sky said.

"I hope that boy control his self." Papa Ken said.

"He will. He took his pills." I said.

They gave me a look.

"Hmm okay let's see about that." Mama Sky.

When we entered the court room Keenan was already in his seat. He look like he was just chilling. Didn't look back not once when we entered the courtroom.

A police came in.

"All rise." He said.

We all stand up except Keenan.

"Oh lord the boy fucking up already." Mama Sky whispered to me.

"Keenan!" Papa Ken whispered yelled. Keenan turned around and look back at us. "Stand your ass up!"

Keenan got up.

"I didn't know I was suppose to stand up." Keenan whispered yelled to us.

"That's your son." Mama Sky whispered to Papa Ken.

"What the hell you mean by that?" Papa Ken whispered back.

"His ass is slow." Mama Sky whispered back.

I chuckled.

"That Lil C nephew." Papa Ken whispered again.

We all laughed. People was staring at us.

"What the hell they looking at!" Mama Sky asked us.

"You." Papa Ken said.

"No they not I'll get Ratchet." Mama Sky said.

"Oh lord please don't." I heard Keenan said.

I smirked.

The judge entered the court room.

"You all may be seated." The judge said.

We all seat down except Keenan.

"I don't know that boy." Mama Sky said holding her head down in embarrassment.

The judge look at Keenan.

"Is there any reason why you still standing up sir?" The judge asked Keenan.

"Oh I thought I was suppose to keep standing." Keenan said then sit down.

"Court is now in section. Judge Williams has taking the stand."

The judge nodded his head. The judged look at some papers on the desk. His face hold a frown.

"Keenan Davis stand up." Judge Williams said.

Keenan stands up

"Are you some type of Animal?" Judge Williams asked Keenan.

"Excuse him." Mama Sky said.

"Excuse you?" Keenan said.

"I think you heard me. What kind of person would do something like this to a human being?" Judge Williams show pictures of the dude.

A lot of whispers went around in the courtroom.

"Ooh this is bad." Papa Ken said.

"Damn Keenan fuck that man face up like that?" Mama Sky said.

"A human being that feels like their life in danger. That what type of human being does that. Don't and try to judge me. That nigga step to me first. So I handle my business. Call me whatever the hell you want to call me, but what you not about to do is seat and judge me. You and anybody else has life fuck up." Keenan said back to judge.

"That's my boy." Mama Sky said.

"Well with that attitude you have you wont make it to see 25." The judge said.

"Now hold the hell up!" Papa Ken stand up.

Everybody turn to Papa Ken. Mama Sky had her head down again.

"You have something you need to get off your chest?" Judge Williams asked Papa Ken.

"As a matter of fact I do. You not about to sit and judge my son. You don't know his problems or his situation." Papa Ken said.

Mama Sky was tugging on Papa Ken pants leg.

Keenan trying to tell his dad to be quiet, but once you start Papa Ken it's no use trying to calm him down.

"Order in my courtroom." The judge said.

"Ohh so now it's your courtroom. Well do your damn job and stop judging my child. Yea what he did was wrong, not nearly as much shit I done did in the past. You don't know that he's bipolar. You don't know he has anger issues or that he has a temper out his ass. You know if you would sit and listen to him before judging him he might would have told you. What you need to do is take that fucking stick out your ass, and stop judging niggas." Papa Ken went in.

The whole courtroom stood up and applaud him.

The judge been up there looking stupid.

Keenan was shell shocked.

"Court dismissed." The judge said the rushed out the courtroom.

Keenan rushed over to us and gave Papa Ken a big hug.

He hugged his mama too.

He pulled me in his arms and gave me a big kiss.

Like how they do in the movies.

How these people been acting you would have thought we just won a big case.

"Thanks pops." Keenan said to Papa Ken.

"Don't mention it. Nobody messes with my kids but me." Papa Ken said.

"And me." Mama Sky added.

"Let's go eat. I'm hungry." I said.

"Y'all heard the girl. Let's go feed my child." Keenan said taking my hand as we left the courtroom.

Papa Ken let me know

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