Just a few things that you should know

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1. This books location is not known so just go along with whatever it explains XD  it's somewhere cold and a bit regional.

2. It may seem like my previous book but it's different I promise.

3. There's a lot of crazy scenes that might cause you to die....in a good way though :3

4. The characters are 18, last year of high school and all , a bit young compared to my other books but like I said before just go along with it XD

5. This book isn't that haram yet it isn't that halal some parts you're gonna be like wait that's not allowed in Islam but just keep in mind that it's all fiction and you shouldn't get close to the male species :)

6. Uhm I think that's all


Extended summary:

Ever since Raif was a child he'd have his heads in the clouds, his thoughts wandering aimlessly and his actions trying to keep up. He would disappear from time to time going on one of his 'adventures' without a care in the world at how worried his parents and twin sister were.

Rafa, his twin, and Mikhail, their best friend, are beginning to get tired of Raif's antics, his mind just won't stop spurring up crazy adventures that seem too big to become true. So when Raif does disappear for like the billionth time, his parents give it no thought, thinking that they know their son very well and he'll be back soon in no time. Mikhail and Rafa know that's not the case, Raif seemed serious about all his crazy yet astounding thoughts, so when Raif exceeds his usual time limit Rafa and Mikhail take it into their own hands.

She will do anything to find her brother while he will do anything to find his best friend. Small problems occur and they both realize that the only way they both will be able to go find their other half is to get married. Secretly of course.

Follow these two on their own adventure which'll have laughter, a bit of idioticness, some crazy mishaps and of course, love

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