Im Sorry

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Hey guys......

Honestly I don't know what to say other than im so fucking sorry. Its been 10 fucking months since I last updated this book and I feel worse than I knew possible. As I was sitting in my room tonight I saw my picture that I took with Brent a little over two years ago and I immediately was filled with complete guilt and sadness. I have no excuse for leaving you guys the way I did and I cant express to all of you how sorry I really am. But this times different. Now im back. Really back. I love this book so much and it means so much to me. The fact that you guys read it and have stuck around this long means the entire world to me. When I opened the website and signed in for the first time in 10 months, I saw a number that shocked me and almost made me cry.








when I first started this book I was a little fangirl and I was writing the the little fantasies that were in my head in a book. I never thought that it would be what it is today ive been #1 ive brent rivera fan fiction for over a year now and that makes happier that you guys can even imagine. So all in all I really just wanted to say that im sorry and thank you so fucking much for being the people you are. I love you all so much,

now if were done here,

I think I have a book to write.

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