Chapter 19

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Bree's POV

I finally made my way to Brent's house and walked in the door. When I walked over to the living room I saw Brent and his dad play wrestling in front of the tv. He told me about his dad and how he left when he was little and you could see the pain in his eyes when ever he talked about him. But know his eyes look brighter and his smiles seem bigger, I don't know he just seems all around happier. And that makes me happy. I decided to sit on the couch and give Brent a taste if his own medicine.
Of course that made him start dying if laughter and Mr. Rivera took advantage if that and pinned Brent. After they got up Brent came over and tackled me.
"Now you know what it felt like this morning," I said trying to keep a straight face but I failed and buried my head into Brent chest. When I looked up I kissed and then rested my head on his shoulder and started watching family guy.
"Wow," Brent's dad said from the recliner next to us.
"You guys really are in love huh." I looked over at him and smiled. I looked back at Brent pecked his lips and looked back at Brent's dad.
"Yep," I said. I guess we really are in love. I didn't think it could happen this fast an I never wanted me to fall in love this fast after what happened before. About a year ago I was dating this guy named Brandon and I was turkey in love with him. But one day I caught his kissing another girl and it broke my heart. After that I started cutting even worse than I did before and I didn't eat for a long time. I guess I kinda know how Kian feels right now. He was in love with Andrea, I know his way and the look in his eyes when he say Andrea with that other guy was the exact look I had when I saw Brandon with that other girl. I put the thought out of my head and focused on the wonder guy who's lap I was sitting on. The guy that has always made me smile and always been there for me even if he wasn't physically there. But now I know that this wasn't just an internet crush. I looked up at Brent and I could tell this is love.

~1 week later~

Kian is so much worse than I thought.

I have texted him every day but I haven't ever gotten a responses. I've called him at least a hundred times but he never answers. The guys told me that he hasn't left his room and they can always hear him crying in his room. I hate to see him like this. This is the guys that has always been there for me the one that always picked me up when I was down. He was is the one that is always strong for me but now, I need to be strong for him. I finally decided to go over there. I finished the last curl in my hair, touched up my makeup, grabbed my penny board and headed out the door. I made my over to Kian's and knocked in the door. Conner opened it looked at me and just nodded. I headed over to Kian's room and turned the door knob but it was locked. I knocked a couple times but he didn't answer. Finally I figured out I was going to have to break my way in. I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair and stuck it in the lock. After a couple jiggles I got it open. Siting in the corner was Kian. But he wasn't the same Kian. His hair was everywhere and his eyes were super red and bloodshot. I could tell me was losing wight. His skin was pale and lifeless. He definitely wasn't the same Kian I left in this room a week ago. But the thing that killed me was when he turned his arms.

And I saw his wrists.

I saw cuts and bruises. This was definitely not the same Kian. I ran over and grabbed his arms. He flinched when I touched his wrists.
"Kian," I whispered in between tears. He looked up at me and I looked into his eyes. It was like Kian was gone and his body was still here but hi soul wasn't.
"She was everything to me," he said barley audible though. His voice was gone because of him crying.
"I know but one person isn't worth this," I said.
"She was everything to me," he said again. I felt so bad for him. I need to be there for him though. He is my best friend, he is my brother. He is the only person that could make me smile. He is the one that showed me Brent. He is the one that has always been there for me. I just sighed and hugged him. I know exactly how he feels though. Through what happened with....... Brandon.
"Come on Kian, I'm not just going to leave you like this," I said and stuck out my hand. After a while he put his hand in mine and stood up.
"Know first off, were getting rid if all the blades," I said and he nodddd. We walked into the bathroom and he opened a drawer and pulled out a little box. In it was 3 blades.
"I pulled then out of pencil sharpeners," he said pulling two bladed less pencil sharpeners out of the box. I feel so bad for him. He doesn't need any of this. He was always the one telling me to stop but now it's me telling him to stop. After that he took a shower and we walked into the kitchen. I got him to eat a sandwich and then we sat in the couch. We talked about everything that had happened this week. What broke my heart was that the whole time he wanted to commit suiside. That I couldn't handle. I hugged him and we just cried. After a while we gathered our selves up and I told him that her should go to the mall together. He finally said he would go so we grabbed our penny boards and headed out. First we stopped at Starbucks then made our way in the mall. First we went to Pac sun and I hard to the girls side and Kian head med to the guys side. After about 20 minutes we went up to the counter. I had 6 shirts 2 pairs of pants and a pair if shoes. Kian had 3 shirts and a BUNCH if braclets. First I was confused but then I remembered. I looked down at my arm covered in bangles and various braclets. I felt the same pain that Kian felt. After a couple more stores we finally left. I felt good about today. I'm happy that Kian but it out of hi mind a little. We got to his house I have him a hug we shared our goodbyes and I left. When I got back to Brent's house it was around 3 and he wasn't in the living room. I headed up stairs and found him asleep shirtless on top of his bed. I made my way over to the bed in slowly got on. When I was standing I looked right at Brent and started to scream and jump on the bed after a little while Brent grabbed my ankle and pulled me down. I landed on top of Brent. He looked at me with a stupid smile.
"What was that for," he said with his sexy raspy morning voice. I just started laughing. After a while if laying there we both slowly fell asleep...

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