Chapter 30

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Bree's POV

It's been 3 months and Matt is finally going home. The reason they kept him so long was because he had to have surgery on him arm and 3 on his leg. But he has been in a wheelchair this whole time and the first month was completely bed because of how bad he was injured and because if how bad the pain was. But now he has the arm and leg cast off but he has a back brace that he has to keep on for another month but other than that he's fine. I closed the passenger seat door of Taylor's range rover and we set off for my house. Carter and Matt were just talking to each other in the back seat while Taylor looked at the road and I sat on my phone.
"So how does it feel to actually be leaving," Taylor said looking in the read view mirror at Matt.
"I'm just so happy because when you guys weren't there it got so boring and the stupid tv only got like 10 retarded channels,"Matt said and we all laughed. Before I knew it we were at my house and we all pilled out. As carter wheeled Matt up the pathway, not because he needed it he can walk just fine but just because he's lazy, to my front door I smiled at Taylor knowing how happy Matt is going to be when we get inside. As soon as we opened the door a huge smile spread across matts face as everyone jumped out and yelled surprise. I looked around and everyone did an amazing job of setting up. There were welcome home banners everywhere, there were streamers and balloons hanging from all over the place. There was food on all the tables and counters and there was a huge table of presents. I smiled and walked over to Brent and he pulled me into a hug. Our four year anniversary is only in a couple months and it still shocks me how long we've been together.
"I missed you," Brent said kissing me and resting his forehead against mine.
"I was only gone an hour," I said smiling.
"I know but an hour is a long time to not see your beautiful face," he said as I blushed and he kissed again. Even though we've been together almost four years his kisses still give me butterflies. Everyone brings me back to the first one on my porch. How he was to nervous to kiss me at first. How he walked away and then came back. How he pretended he forgot something and before u could ask what his lips touched mine and the butterflies erupted in my stomach. Those are the same butterflies that I feel now and I don't think they'll ever go away. He lifted me up and sat me on the counter and he went back to cutting the watermelon. I stole a piece and smiled at him as I took a bite out of it. He just laughed at me and continued cutting. When he was done I hopped on his back as we carried the bowl to the back yard where everyone else was. Some the guys were in the pool, some the girls were tanning and some were sitting at the table just talking. I sat in Brent's lap and watched the guys play pool volley ball. Matt stood kinda close to the edge and watched. Brent pulled me into his bare chest and kissed my neck. I giggled and lightly pushed his arm.
"Your want to get it the pool,"Brent whispered in ear. I smiled and nodded. Luckily I had my bikini on user my shorts and crop top so I quickly took them off. Suddenly Brent grabbed me threw me over his shoulder and started running for the pool. I screamed as he jumped in and pulled us both under. When we came up I playfully slapped his chest and he just smiled and kissed me. After about 2 hours of swimming it was starting to get dark so we all got out and a the guys lit a bonfire. I ran inside and grabbed some s'mores stuff then set it on a table next to the fire. Soon we were all eating s'mores and singing songs together and just laughing. I missed us all together like as a family. Every single one of these guys mean so much to me and when Matt was gone it was like a piece of me was gone. Our weird family is kinda like a puzzle we all fit somewhere and if one piece is missing the puzzles not complete. No matter what happens we will always be a family. After a while we all decided it was getting late so we all went to bed. After my shower I put on yoga pants and one if Brent's shirts and crawled into bed. About five minutes later Brent laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my head and we said our I love you's before falling asleep.


I woke up and felt my stomach turn. I ran over to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I threw up a couple more times before resting my back against the wall. I brushed my teeth and now I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I just went into the kitchen to eat. For some reason I really wanted watermelon. I took the bowl out and sat at the table. After a couple bites it felt like something was missing. For some wired reason I put some ranch dressing on it and it tasted like heaven. After a while Brent walked it to the kitchen with only sweatpants on.
"What the fuck are you eating," he said he said in a morning voice.
"Watermelon," I said giggling.
"Is that ranch," he said looking at it with a confused face.
"Yep," I said putting another piece on my mouth. He looked me with a sorta disgusted face then rolled his eyes and walked away.
"How long have you been up," he asked getting some milk out if the fridge.
"About an hour I got sick this morning and I couldn't sleep so I came out here," I said eating another piece.
"Are you ok," he said siting at the table.
"Ya I don't know what happened I just woke up threw up and then u was fine," I said looking up at him. He just nodded then came over and picked me up. We sat on the couch and Brent put on Netflix. Being the amazing boyfriend he is he put on Charlie St. Cloud and handed me some tissues because he knew I was going to cry. And I was happy he gave them to me because abut ten minutes into the movie I was an emotional wreak. Charlie, we'll Zach Efron, was laying in the back on the ambulance on a stretcher and the doctors were doing CPR on his little brother and Charlie kept screaming, and that was the part that I usually always broke at because it's so sad, and he's just such an amazing actor that for feel like your there and Sammy's just dying in front of you. By the time the movie was over it was 11:00 and everyone was awake. We all decided we should just have a lazy day today so we all just sat in the living room and watched movies and played video games all day.

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