Chapter 12

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Omg hey guys so first off I am soooooooooooooo sorry ok so I just want to tell you why I didn't update so first I went to Magcon (most amazing experience ever) then I got back on Monday and Tuesday I went to Truckee
then I got back on Saturday and when I got in the car my parents were all like hurry we have to get to the hospital and I was like why and then they said Danis water broke (btw that's my auntie) and so she had little Austen William Leonard this morning and it was amazing and he is the cutest little baby I have ever seen but so here is a super long update another one soon I promise.........

Bree's POV

I woke up with Kian's arms still wrapped around my waist. I slowly removed myself from his grasp and made my way to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I slowly remembered everything that happened last night. My eyes were still completely blood shot, tear stains and mascara covered my cheeks, and my hair stuck to the sides if my face and stuck out in every direction. I washed my face and stole a comb out of Kian drawer. I slowly ran in through hair until I looked somewhat presentable. I walked out of the bathroom and found my way to the kitchen. As I walked I looked at everything in Kian's house it really was nice. It was a lot bigger than I thought it would be, then I remember that Kian didn't live here alone. He lived here with his best friends Ricky, JC and Conner. I wonder if there home and if they are I wonder what they thought if me when I came over last night. So much was running trough my head and the one thing that kept coming to my mind was Brent. I know it's only been one night but I miss him so much. We're not even dating and I'm already whipped. I decided to make some breakfast for me and Kian. I don't care if the other guys are here they can make there own. I scrambled some eggs and mixed them with cheese just like me and Kian like them. I also made so sausage, bacon, and toast and set them on two plates. I walked down the hallway and into Kian's room. Having know him for over 8 years I know that he sleeps in LATE!!! So I did what any good best friend would do. I jumped onto his bed and jumped right on top of him screaming KIKI KIKI KIKI at the top off my lungs until he finally grabbed my ankle and pulled me on top of him. He opened his eyes and look at me.
"Now what was that for," he said in a sleepy voice we'll slightly smiling at me.
"I made breakfast and it's going to get cold" I said back smiling at him.
"FOOD," he screamed right before pushing me off of him on to the to the other side of the bed and sprinting out of his room and into the kitchen. For an 18 year old boy he still acts like an 8 year old. While he was in the kitchen I took some time to look around his room. It was surprisingly very clean and organized. He had all of his cameras and camera lens organized on a shelf and all of his hanging neatly in his closet. The right wall was COVERD in pictures. There were some with Andrea, some with the O2L guys and surprisingly some with me. One I loved. I was around 13 and he was around 14 and we were standing on the beach holding hands against the sunset and right underneath us writing in the sand was "Best Friends Forever." I held the picture in my hands and noticed a tear fall out of my eye and onto the frame. I really missed him. We have been best friends since 2nd grade and he has always been there for me. He was my like only friend. There was him and Sam, but me and Kian's relationship was special. He was alway there for me no matter what through the bullying and the cutting and the suiside attempts he was always there standing next to me through everything. I actually tried to stop cutting for him. He held my hand as I flushed all of the blades down the toilet. As my only way of escape was washed away. I promised him that as long as he was always there for me I wouldn't cut again but with him moving away and my brother dying everything was just to much and I started cutting again. I always felt like every time I hurt my self I was hurting Kian to. I did tell him though it felt a lot better knowing that he knew. It was really hard telling his though and I knew it was hard on him to. He was actually the one that told me about Brent one day I was super sad and Kian facetimed me and told me that if I really wanted something to smile about to watch one if Brent's vines I started watching them and ended up relying on him along with Kian for a reason to smile everyday. I sat down on his bed and let the tears flow. Suddenly I heard the door open.
"Hey Bree are you-," he said before coming over and kneeling at my feet. He graves my hands in his and lifted up my chin with his finger till I was looking him in the eye.
"Hey,what's wrong," he said in a sweet calm tone.
All that I did was hug him and cry into his shoulder. He rubbed circles in my back. And whispered stuff like it's ok and don't cry in ear. I finally stopped crying and looked up at him.
"You just don't understand how much I missed you," I said trying not to cry again.
He hugged me again and said
"Don't worry Bree were together now and nothing, nothing is going to tear us apart again," he said and I finally let go.
"I love you," I said and he said it back before we went into the kitchen. Sitting at the table eating our food were to guys I had never seen before.
"Ricky, JC, really you couldn't have just made your own food," Kian said slightly annoyed.
"Were lazy," the curly headed on said," oh hey who's the chick."
"The chick is Bree," Kian said putting his arm around my shoulder.
The curly headed kid raised his eyebrows give Kian a "really" kinda look.
"Oh shut up JC, she my best best friend, plus I would never do that to Andrea," he said in a serious tone while playfully punching the kid who name I know knew in the shoulder.
"I know I was just messing with you," JC said. He turned back to me and started talking again.
"So your the famous Bree that homeboy over here is always talking about," he said.
I looked over at Kian. He just smiled at me and went back to the cereal he was making for us.
"Ya I guess that's me," I said with a smile before walking over and grabbing my cereal off the counter an sitting on the couch. I turned on the tv and watched some spongebob. Me and Kiki laughed at the stupidest things in the episodes before talking about things we could do today.
"How about we go penny boarding around the beach," Kian asked.
"Sure," i said back before we got up and got ready to head to my house. Kiki grabbed his keys off the counter and ghost (his penny board) from the closet next to the front door and we headed out. It took us about 30 minutes to get to my house but it wasn't bad because I was with Kian. We made it to my house, I grabbed my penny board and we skated to the beach. It was amazing being able to take my mind off of everything that has happened over these past couple of days and just hang out with my best friend like it used to be. We sat down on the beach and stared out at the sunset. Something popped in my head and I went straight to working on it.
"What are you doing," Kian asked not moving but just sitting and watching.
"Just wait," I said putting the finishing touches on my plan," ok stand up," I said to Kian. He looked over and saw what I did.
"Can we take a picture," I asked.
"Of course," he said. He set the timer on his phone and walked over and grabbed my hand. We looked out at the sunset and waited for the phone to click. Almost immediately after the water came in and washed away the Best Friends Forever sign I had written in the sand.

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