Chapter 18

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Kian's POV (oh ya I know shocker)

We went on almost all the rides when we started to get hungry. We decided to go get Andrea first. But when we got there she wasn't alone. She was with a guy and they were kissing. And it did look like she was pushing him away. I didn't know what else to do except let my anger take over. I ran over to them and pulled him off. I pinned him to the ground and punched him several times before Brent finally pulled me off. I looked down at the guy and his nose was bloody and his eye was swollen. Good I thought to my self he deserves it. That's when I looked at Andrea. She was sitting there in shock and acting like she didn't know why I just attempted to kill the guy she was kissing a second ago.
"What the fuck man," the guy said sitting up.
"What do you mean what the fuck," I spat back.
"Why the hell did you punch me," he yelled.
"Why the hell were kissing my girlfriend," I yelled back at him.
"Girlfriend," he said standing up "I didn't know man in sorry."
I looked over at Andrea.
"Why would you do this to me," I said on the verge of tears.
"Please I'm so sorry Kian, please I didn't mean to please forgive me I'm so sorry please," she begged but I didn't care she had just crushed my heart and I didn't give a fuck about her anymore. This girl that I have been dating for almost a year. This girl that was my dream girl. This girl that I thought I was going to spend the rest over my life with, had just cheated on me.
"No Andrea, I don't what any of your bullshit, were over," I walked over to Bree and Brent and we stared to leave. I looked back and Andrea and she was just sitting there in shock. Every step that I took was one more step away for the girl that I once loved and I knew that I wasn't ever going to love another girl as much as I loved her.

Bree's POV

Oh my god, I can't believe that Andrea did that to Kian. I was still in shock while we drove home. I could tell that Kian was trying to hold back all the tears that desperately wanted to fall. As we pulled up to Brent's house I told him that I was going to go with Kian and I would be back later. We drive to Kian's house and he just went into his room and slammed the door behind him. JC stepped out of his room and gave m me a very confused look.
"I'll tell you later," I said and then he shut his door. I stood outside of Kian's bedroom door for a while. Finally I took a deep breath and stepped inside. Kian was sitting in the corner with his head in his knees. As I got closer to him I could tell he was crying. I sat down next to him and hugged him super tight.
"It just hurts so bad," he chocked out between sobs.
"I know but it's going to get better ok, this is actually a good thing if you think about it because this was probably going to happen sooner or later and it's better that it happened now because you still have so much to live for and now you can find another girl 10x's better than Andrea and show her that you don't need to her to be happy. You only need the people that care about you ok," I said. Wow I can't believe I just said all that it felt kinda good.
"Thanks Bree, that's what I love about you, you are always there for me when I need you most," said looking up a little.
"That's why I love you to," I said with a slight smile. But after that Kian just kept crying. I know he might look tough on the outside but in the inside he fragile just like me. That's actually kinda how we met.

Flashback to Third Grade

I was siting in the hallway up against the wall crying. Suddenly someone started walking towards me. I was scared it was going to be one of the boys coming back to hit me again or something. But when I looked up I saw a boy I had never seen before. He had dark brown eyes and brownish hair with a black eye.
"Hey, they pick on you to," he asked keeping his head down. I looked at his and barley nodded.
"It's ok after a while it starts not to get as bad, you just have to ignore it," he said. In that moment I knew we were going to be best friends for life.

End of Flashback

After sitting with him for about an hour and trying to get him to calm down I finally walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Surprisingly all the other boys were in the kitchen. What wasn't surprising about it was they were trowing macaroni at each other. I stood there for about a minute when they finally noticed. They probably knew something was wrong when they saw my red eyes and my puffy cheeks and could tell I has been crying.
"So, what's wrong," JC asked.
"Uh Andrea cheated on him," I said but it came out almost a whisper. JC dropped the box of mac and cheese he had in his hand and came over to me.
"So what happened," he asked.
"We'll," I said siting on the couch and all the boys sitting around me.
"Me Kian Andrea and Brent, that's my boyfriend by the way," I said.
"Wait like Brent Rivera," Conner asked.
"Ya,but let's get back on topic, so we were at the water park and after the first slide Andrea said she wanted to go tan so she left. After a while we got hungry and when we went to go get Andrea she was kissing some guy. Kian beat his ass, broke up with Andrea, and came back here, and he's been in him room crying since." All the boys just stared at me. After a while Conner spoke up.
"Wow I didn't think Andrea would do something like that."
"Ya I don't think any of us did," Ricky said.
"Ya, so I think I'm going to head home ok," I said standing up.
"You want a ride," JC asked.
"No it's ok I'll walk," I said. They all nodded and I headed over to Kian's room. I walked in and sat next to him again.
"I have to get going but I'll call you tomorrow ok," I said. He just lightly nodded. I hugged him gave him a kiss on the cheek and stood up. I walked to the door and right before I closed it behind me I whispered,
"I love you Kiki." He looked up at me with sad painful filled eyes and whispered back even softer than me,
"I love you to Breebree," and with that I closed the door and headed home.

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