Chapter 31

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Bree's POV

I lend against the wall in the bathroom after throwing up against for the 4th morning this week. I walked into the kitchen and got some juice an just sat at the table on my phone. Brent walked into the kitchen about 5 minutes later and kissed my head.
"Morning beautiful," he said grabbing an orange.
"Morning," I said looking up at him.
"Did you get sick again this morning," he said sitting across from me. I nodded and took another sip from my drink.
"I'm taking you to the doctor later okay," he said walking over to me. I just nodded and put my glass into the sink. Before I knew it it was 12:39 and my appointment was in 15 minutes. I grabbed my phone and me and Brent walked out the door.
"I probably just have the stomach flu," I said getting into the car.
"Ya I know but I still don't like you being sick I in pain and I can't do anything," he said starting the car. As we starting driving down the street I turned in the radio and almost on cue our song came on. Brent grabbed my hand and I rested my head in him shoulder as we sat and listened to the song. About five minutes later we got to the doctors office. I adjusted my messy bun and walked into the doctors hand in hand with Brent. We got to the counter and lady had us sit down.
"Name," she said looking up at us.
"Bree Davis," I said and she typed my name into the computer. She pressed a couple more more keys and then put a wristband around my wrist. The doctor will see you in about 3 minutes. She said then pointed towards the waiting room. Just about 3 minutes later a lady came out an called my name. She lead us to a little room and had me sit bed and Brent in the chair.
"So what wrong," she said smiling.
"We'll I've been throwing up every morning for the past five days and I don't really know what's wrong," I said looking at her.
"Ok we'll is there any chance that your pregnant," she said. I said no and she walked over to her computer. She asked a couple more questions then took some tests and said she would be back in five minutes. I pulled out my phone and messed around until she came back. She sat in her chair and opened up a folder. Brent hand grabbed mine an I could tell he was nervous. Probably because the last time a doctor opened a folder to tell me something I found out I had cancer. But the doctor looked up at me and smiled.
"We'll Bree you must not have know but you actually are pregnant, congratulations," she said smiling,"and by the looks of this your are actually about four months along."
I didn't know what to feel so I just sat there looking at her. Suddenly Brent stood up at hugged me. When he pulled away he looked at me and smiled.
"Oh my god Bree were going to have a baby," she said hugging me.
"But Brent were only 19 are you sure were ready for a baby," I said seriously.
"Bree," he said taking my hands," your going to be a great mom I know you are don't worry were all going to be there for you."
I smiled and him and just let everything process.
Wow I'm going to be a mom.
"Would you like to know the sex of the baby," the doctor said smiling. I looked at Brent and we both nodded. She had me lay on the bed and pull up my shirt. Now that I look at my stomach there is actually a little bump that I never really notice before. I smile as she started with the ultrasound.
"Even though your stomach is really small the baby is developing fine, now there's the head," she said pointing at the screen. She pointed out an arm and a leg and the spine and then started to find out what sex the baby was.
"There we go congratulations it's a girl," she said smiling. I looked over at Brent and he was smiling at the screen.
She handed me a couple papers and some pictures of the ultrasound and then we left. On the way back the was just a lighter mood in the car then when we were on our way there. As we got to the house I took a deep breath then went inside. Every one looked me and walked into the kitchen. I sat on the bar stool and Brent wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his hand on my baby bump.
"Soooo what'd they say," Cameron asked.
"We'll uhh so actually I found out umm that I'm actually 4 months pregnant," I said smiling. The whole room was full of gasps and congratulations. I just smiled. And rested my hands in Brent's.
"So is it a boy or a girl," Cameron asked jumping around like a four years old.
"It a girl," I said smiling and all the girls started talking about how they were going to play dress up with her and do her hair and paint her nails. And like hours of baby talk I got tired and I headed up to bed but before I fell asleep the last thing I thought was.
Wow, I'm going to be a mom.....

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