Chapter 25

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Bree's POV

We walked out if the hospital an into Brent's moms car.
"So how'd it go," Brent's mom said smiling. I looked at Brent then slowly removed my hood. I heard her gasp. Then I felt her take my hand
in hers.
"Your going to be able to get through this ok," she said with her eyes full of sympathy. I just nodded then rested my head on Brent's chest. By the time we got to his house, it was already 12 and u was meeting up with Hope at 3. I couldn't do anything with my hair so I decided to sit on the couch and watch a movie with Brent. He put in Finding Nemo which was our favorite movie then came and sat on the couch with me. I pulls my knees up to my chest and laid my head on Brent chest. During the movie Brent kept kissing me head which actually made me feel really happy. Brent wouldn't lie and when he said that he loves me the same when I had hair was actually really hard to believe but I trust him enough to know it was true and I love him for that.
"You know that I used to do gymnastics," I said looking up at Brent.
"No way," he said looking down at me.
"Yup," I said popping the p.
"Show me what you got," he said smirking.
"K let's go in the backyard," I said standing up. We headed outside and into the grass.
"Hold on I want to record this," Brent said taking out his phone.
"Ok go," he said pointing at me. I took a deep breath then ran and did a cartwheel into back handspring into back tuck then finished it off with a left split.
"BOOSH," I said standing up and jumping in little circles.
"Oh my god that was amazing," brent said looking at me.
"Ok but I was doing a Instagram video and I still have a little time left so say something cute," he said pointing the camera back and me. I walked over to him and laid and the grass.
"I love you Brenty," I said doing weird kissy faces.
"Love you to," he said setting his phone down and coming over and laying next to me.
"If I lay here if I just lay here would you lie with me and just forget world," I whisper sang While laying my head Brent's chest. Suddenly I heard Brent start to sing.
"Forget what were told before we get to old show me a garden that's bursting into life, he whisper sang amazingly.
"How come you never told me you could sing," I said sitting up.
"Because I can't," he said smiling.
"Oh my gosh yes you can you should do covers," I said.
"Not even," he said.
"Yes we should do one together," I said.
"Ok but only for you," he said as I put my head back in his chest and looked at the clouds. Soon it was 2:30 so I kissed Brent and went next door to my house. My parents were at work like usual so I unlocked the door and went up to my room. I touched up my make up a little kept in what I was wearing then sat on my bed and went on my phone. As soon as I got on I noticed so many #prayforbree #youbeatcancersbuttbree and #staystrongbree tweets. It touched my heart to know that my fans actually truly care about me. Soon the doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to answer it. I adjusted my hood then opened the door.
"Hey," Hope said smiling at me giving me a hug and then coming in. We sat on the couch and started talking.
"So what did you want to tell me," Hope said still smiling. I looked at her took a deep breath and pulled down my hood. She looked at me and gasped.
"This isn't what I think it is right," she said as I saw tears start to form in her eyes. I gently nodded and she pulled me into a tight hug.
"Your gonna get through this ok, one step at a time, I'm going to be there for every step of the way," she said looking at me and smiling smith through tears. I'm happy that she took it so we'll, now I just don't know how Kian is going to react....

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