The Move

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Today's the day. I'm finally moving to California. My dad got a job promotion for a business corporation in Los Angeles. He's been working his butt off at a smaller and one of the side companies in Columbus, so this is huge for him.

I'm happy for him, but I don't want to leave. Yes, I live in Gloomy Ohio, it's not the best state and I know Jake Paul brags about it. It's nothing special, trust me. I just don't want to leave because I've lived here all my life and the memories that I've shared with my close friends are here. I'd be leaving that behind as well as them.

Moving three thousand miles across the country, away from close friends and family is definitely tough. My older brother, Luke, had to convince me that California won't be so bad and that I'll make new friends.

I honestly doubt it because no one can handle my weirdness like my best friends, Karlie, Tiffany and Macy.

I let my dark brown eyes roam around my empty room. I'm going to miss the place I was raised in. I grab my white fleece jacket, putting it on and over my black crop top. I'm wearing ripped jean shorts and white converse, my long dirty blonde hair is pulled up in a messy bun.

I reach for my suitcase handle, rolling it out of my bedroom. I meet up with Luke from across the hall. He's wearing black, silk shorts, a red muscle tank top and black high tops.

He sends me a small smile, closing his bedroom door behind him. "This morning I went to say goodbye to Alexa and she threw a rock at me."

He's only two years older than me. He's seventeen and I'm fifteen. Even if he's older, he can sometimes act real immature and childish. Then it's like he's a whole different person and becomes over-protective over me and our baby brother, Joey.

On Christmas decorating days, we have to keep an eye out on him because last year, he set the house on fire by setting the Christmas lights around the pillars on the front porch. Not his smartest move.

I let out a chuckle. "You're not doing long distance either?" I had to break up with my boyfriend, Jake because we both couldn't handle the distance. Who knows when I'd ever come back here. If we ever did come back, it'd be up in Columbus, not my small hometown.

He shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. He runs his hand through his ruffled, dirty blonde hair, pushing back his bangs from his brown eyes. "Rachell, come on, you know I barely do relationships as it is."

"Are you ready, sweeties?" Our mom asks, as we get to the bottom of the stairs.

I nod, walking out the front door. I give my suitcase to my dad, who's waiting at the back of the uber's car.

He flashes me a smile. "Cheer up, Honey, you'll see your friends again, someday."

"I know, I'm just really nervous. We're moving across the country. It's a huge step," I reply, opening the back door and hopping into the back of the car. Once my dad was done packing the car, the uber driver pulls out of the driveway.

* * *

I sit in one of the hard chairs in the waiting area that's near our gate. We just finished the long process of being in an's not fun. Our parents were sitting across from me with Joey, perched up in my mom's lap.

Luke strolls towards me with a grin, but it falters when he reads my seat location that's written on my plane ticket. "Are you serious? You won't be my plane buddy," he pouts.

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