My New Boyfriend

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Rachell's POV

Wait what? Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend? What should I say? Yes or no?

Good Conscious: "Rachell, say yes!"

But Nathan asked too.

Good Conscious: "But you met Carson first, he wrote Beautiful just for you, and he kissed you!"

Bad Conscious: "Carson hurt your feelings and who was there for you when you cried? It was Nathan!"

Good Conscious: "He apologized by writing you a song!"

Bad Conscious: "Pick Nathan!"

Good Conscious: "Pick Carson!"

Just shut up!

"Who are you talking too?" Jordyn asked. Ohh crap! Did I say that out loud?

"My conscious." I mumbled.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" Carson asked.

Good Conscious: "Say yes!"

"Yes." I smiled.

"Thank you!" Carson cheered.

"Yes finally! I knew you guys made a perfect couple! I ship you guys!" Jordyn cheered.

Carson handed me the bouquet of flowers. I hugged him.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Jordyn asked.

"I don't care what we do." Carson said, putting his arm over my shoulders.

"I don't know. Nathan what do you want to do?" I turned around to see Nathan not there.

"Jordyn, where did Nathan go?" I asked.

"He said he had to go."

"Oh..." He must've left when I said yes to Carson. He probably got hurt. I feel bad now.

"Well, I have a recording session to go to."

"Oh yeah, for your new original song!"

I nodded.

"Oh cool, what's it called?" Carson asked.

"The One I Let Get Away."

"Is it about someone special?" Jordyn asked, nudging me in the side. I gave her the "death glare". I really don't want to say who it's about, since it's not about Carson.

"Since Rachell is leaving, I guess I'll hang out with Lily." Jordyn said.

"That leaves me by myself." He laughed.

"Do challenges with Dylan and Hayden." Jordyn suggested.

"That's a good idea."

"Rachell, come on we don't want to be late!" my mom yelled from the back door.

"Well I have to go."

"See ya later." She said, while walking away.

"Bye." Carson said. He hugged me and then walked away. I walked around front and got into my mom's car.

~25 minutes later~

I walked into the recording studio.

"You must be Rachell Griffin?" a man asked.


"I'm Liam Scott. Your producer and maybe your manager."

"Oh cool."

"Alright, let's get to business."

I nodded and sat down in one of the chairs. Jeez there's a lot of buttons on this control panel.

"So do you have the lyrics?" he asked.

I nodded and handed him the papers. He took them and scanned through them.

"This is really good."

"Thanks, my ex boyfriend inspired those lyrics."

"Your ex?"

I nodded.

"Do you still have feelings for him?"

"I did when I wrote this, but I moved on."

"What was this fella's name?"

"Jake, he lives in Ohio. We broke up because our long distance relationship didn't work out for us. But after a couple of days, I regretted breaking up with him and letting him get away."

"That's where these lyrics come into play."

I nodded. He got up and walked over to a keyboard. He started playing and humming my lyrics.

~3 minutes later~

"This is definitely a number one hit," he said. "Okay let's record the piano part and then we will bring in the rest of the band."

I nodded and walked to the keyboard and started playing.

~1 hour later~

"Amazing! Ready to record your voice?" he asked.

"Yep." I walked into the recording booth and put on the headphones.

"I'll be right back, it looks like someone is here." He got up and opened the door. He let the person in.

"Why are you here?" I asked confused.

{Who do you think is there? Are you guys happy? She picked Carson!!! 😊 hope you enjoyed the chapter!}

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