Mystery Man

727 13 6

Jordyn's POV 

I saw a guy walk up behind Rachell. She turned around and her eyes went wide. 

Me: "Who is that guy?" 

Luke: "Don't know. Is this part of the prank?" 

Me: "What even is Hayden's prank?" 

Luke: "Text him." I took out my phone and sent Hayden a message. 

Me- "Hayden, what's ur prank?" 

Hayden- "What prank?" 

Me- "Didn't u send Rachell a message telling her to meet u @ the park?" 

Hayden- "No" 

Me- "Was it Leticia???" 

Hayden- "No" I looked up in the direction towards Rachell. She and the guy was gone. 

Me: "Where did they go?" 

Luke: "They walked over to the bench." He pointed towards a bench and Rachell was smiling. She seems really happy. 

Me: "Did you see his face?" 

Luke: "No." 

Rachell's POV

Me: "It was you who was Jason at the haunted house?!" He nodded. 

Me: "I'm really sorry for jumping on you." He laughed. 

Person: "It's okay, you were saving Jordyn." 

Me: "So how's it been? It's been a really long time." 

Person: "Got surgery on my leg, I've been recovering from that. It's stabile now, it took a really long recovery. I got a job at that Hayride thing for the month of October." 

Me: "What was that bang, when you came out from the corner?" 

Person: "I hit my axe against the wall. I didn't even realize it was you and Jordyn, until I cornered you two in the maze, cause that's when you started talking. And I'm like, I know those voices." He chuckled. 

Me: "Yeah, most of the time we were screaming. I'm surprised you're not deaf." I chuckled. 

Person: "Yeah same here." He chuckled. 

Person: "I saw you punch that clown head." 

Me: "Oh yeah, it was in my way and it scared the crap out of me." I chuckled. 

Person: "I'm really sorry. I've changed, I swear." 

Me: "I really want to forgive you, but you ruined my rela-" 

Person: "I know and I regret everything I did. If you can't forgive me, I understand. I just want to be friends again." I took a deep breath. 

Me: "Why did you use a block number?" 

Person: "Wanted it to be a surprise, I guess." 

Me: "You wanted to see my reaction?" 

Person: "Yeah, nice 'surprise face' by the way." I laughed. 

Me: "Thanks and I'm really happy that you are okay." 

Person: "Thanks, same here."

Jordyn's POV

I got out of the car. 

Luke: "What are you doing?" 

Me: "I'm gonna see who the person is." 

Luke: "You can't, Rachell said she needed to go alone." 

Me: "I'm going to be sneaky, I won't get caught." 

Luke: "I don't know if you should." 

Me: "Whoever that person is, Rachell is having a good conversation with them. She's smiling at the person like, she's happy to see them!" 

Luke: "So, what are you saying?" 

Me: "She could like him in a different way!" 

Luke: "What? I don't believe that. She wouldn't cheat on Carson!" 

Me: "I'm not saying she's cheating on him, I'm saying she could like this guy even more!" 

Luke: "Isn't that the same thing? But whatever, go and look if you want to." 

Me: "Thank you." I slowly walked behind a tree that was behind the bench they were sitting at. I peeked at the guy and saw him. My jaw dropped. I quickly ran back up to the car. I opened the door and got in. 

Luke: "Did you see who it was?" I nodded like crazy. 

Luke: "Are you okay?" I shook my head no. 

Luke: "What's the matter?" I grabbed Luke's shoulders and shook him viciously. 

Me: "HE'S BACK!!" I yelled.

{Who do u think is back!!?? I love suspense 😂 I'm pretty sure you guys can figure out who it is because I gave a big hint on who it was 😂 Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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