Bae Back

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"Thanks," a guy's voice says, beside us. Jordyn and I jump, startled and look towards the voice.

My eyes widen. "Nathan?"


He smiles. "What's up guys?"

Jordan and I smile back and bring him into a group hug. "Didn't know you were going to be here," I say, surprised.

He chuckles. "Yeah, I thought I'd make an appearance for your brother's birthday since we are friends."

I nod. "Well, there's a balcony over the pool..."

He laughs, catching on. "I'll ask if Luke will jump off. I saw you and Carson jump off together. Was it exhilarating?"

"Yes, yes it was," I answer, smiling.


I hand Joey his sippy cup filled with his favorite cold drink, orange juice.

He grabs it and smiles. "Thanks, Sissy," he says, before running off to the living room to watch Paw Patrol. I follow behind him and sit down on the couch.

Joey crawls into my lap and stares at the tv with the sippy cup in his mouth. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. He may drive me one-hundred percent crazy, but I love him. I treat him as if he was my very own son.

My phone vibrates on the couch, the screen lighting up, revealing My One and Only ❤️. I smile and quickly answer. "Hey."

"Hey Amore, I have a favor to ask you," Carson says.

"Anything. What is it?" I ask.

"Want to be my bae in my music video for Bae Back?" He asks.

"Of course," I smile. "When is rehearsal?"

"This afternoon, I'm sorry its last minute," he answers.

I chuckle. "It's fine. I'll get in proper clothing. I love you."

"Thanks babe, I knew I could count on you. The place is the dance studio off of Beverly Hills. I love you too," he informs, before hanging up.

I look down at Joey, who staring up at me. "Who was tha-that, Sissy?" He asks, curiously.

"It was Carson," I reply.

His eyes brighten up and he smiles. "I like Carsin. Is he co-coming?"

I chuckle. "It's Cars-on," I correct. "And he isn't, we are going to him."

He looks at me confused. "What?"

"I'm going to practice with him at this place for his video," I say, trying to think of basic words to say to him.

He nods. "I get to go?" He asks, pointing at his chest.

I nod, lifting him up. "Yes." I'm taking him because he wants to see Carson and if he didn't want to see him, he would have no where else to go. I would hand him off to Luke or my parents, but all of them are out. My parents are at a business meeting and Luke is still at Justin's house.

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