Silent Treatments and Popnation Tour

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Carson POV

I'm having so much fun. I'm hanging out with my best friends and my amazing girlfriend. The problem is, I'm leaving tomorrow for the popnation tour. I don't want to leave Rachell, I'll ask her to come with me.

Rachell's POV

I got out of the pool and grabbed my towel.

"I'm still kinda mad at Dylan for tipping us over," Jordyn said, wrapping herself in her towel. "I was relaxing."

"Carson tipped me over." I said.

"Wow, I say we get them back."

"Totally." Jordyn and I made an evil smirk.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"We could give them the silent treatment."

"Okay." Carson and Nic walked over to us.

"Hey." Carson said, wrapping his arm around me. Jordyn gave me the "Walk away" look. I took his arm off of me and walked towards Jordyn.

"Okay... Umm... What was that?" Nic asked me.

"What was what?" I asked, while acting confused. Carson walked towards me again. I looked up at him.

"Did I do something wrong." he asked. Jordyn and I laughed quietly.

"What's funny?" Dylan asked, while walking by.

"They're giving us the silent treatment." Nic informed.

"Only Dylan and Carson, we will talk to you." Jordyn said. Nic hugged her.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" I said, making a heart with my hands.

"What did Dylan and I do?" Carson asked.

Jordyn and I walked away, while laughing.

"Oh I get it, they're giving you the silent treatment because you guys tipped them over." Nic said.

"Took them long enough." I whispered.

"You can say that again." Jordyn whispered back. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. Carson put his chin on my shoulder.

"Please forgive me. I'm sorry that I tipped you over." Carson apologized. I glanced over at Jordyn. She and Nic was hugging, but she was watching me.

"Don't give in." she mouthed. Carson's hug got tighter but it was still gentle. Keep it together Rachell. This is revenge, you can't fail Jordyn.

"Fine, keep doing the silent treatment. I have an idea that will make you talk again." Carson said. I gave him a confused look. He grabbed my sides and started tickling me.

"Pl- please sto- stop." I said, trying to get out of his grip.

"Say that you forgive me and I'm the greatest boyfriend ever." he smirked.

"Okay, I for- forgive yo- you and you're th- the greatest boy- boyfriend ev- ever."

He stopped tickling me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'm leaving tomorrow for Popnation and I was wondering if you want to come with me."

"Oh yeah, I forgot the tour starts tomorrow."

"So you will come with me?"

"I can't. Liam wants me to write and record new songs."

"But I won't back until August 17th."

"I know, I wish I could come but it's last minute and I have to focus on my music."

"I understand."

"Maybe next tour I'll go with you." I pulled him into a hug.

~1 day later~

I rode with Carson to the airport.

"This is it, I'm off to Arizona." Carson said.

We walked to the plane and I saw his two dancers waiting for him.

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too." He pulled me into a hug. The hug probably lasted for five minutes but I don't really care. I don't want him to go, but this is his dream. I pulled out of the hug. He hugged his family and walked towards the plane. He turned around and waved goodbye. I waved back and smiled weakly. He aboard the plane and the doors closed. I stood still watching the plane fly into the sky.

{Carson is gone for the rest of the summer. 😭😭 Rachell will be working on her music and we still have Nathan and his plan. Oh also, Maya will NO longer be in the imagines! 😃 Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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