Do You Know Me?

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"Hey guys! Collins here and today's video is the girlfriend versus boyfriend challenge! You're probably wondering, "Collins, you don't have a girlfriend." Well, the challenge isn't about me since I don't have a girlfriend," he pouts and then he laughs. "No, I'm here with two special guests," he snaps his fingers.

Carson and I sit on either side of Collins, aka, Collins Key, and Collins snaps his fingers again.

"Aye!" We all say.

"So if you guys don't know who these guys are, we have Carson Lueders, who is a singer on YouTube and we have Rachell Griffin, who is a model/actress," Collins informs. "These guys have been dating for a while and that had me thinking on putting them to the test. How well do they know their significant other?"

"I know everything about Rach," Carson says, surely.

"Okay, buddy," I say, chuckling.

"Hmm, I legit think Rachell is going to win only because girls hold onto information better or something and I have no idea where I'm going with that," Collins says, laughing. "Anyways, I will ask the question and they will answer for their significant other. If they get the answer wrong, the other person gets to put a piece of tape on the other person's face. If they get the answer right, they get to put tape on my face. They have the whiteboards and markers, so let's begin with the first question."

I take the cap off the marker and get ready.

"First question will have Carson's answer. So we are answering for Carson's answer," Collins points out. "What is his favorite place to eat?" {A/N: Most of Carson's answers are fictional and not real.}

I start writing my answer, which is so easy. He loves to eat at the Japanese Steakhouse.

"Okay, Rachell show your answer," Collins says.

I reveal my answer and Carson makes a face, as he shows his answer. I grin. "Boom."

He laughs. "I was really hoping you would've written Panda Express."

"That was one of my choices, but you really love the steakhouse," I say.

"Now what is Rachell's favorite place to eat at?"

Carson slowly lowers his eyes. "You've never told me this."

I nod, agreeing with him. "Honestly, I don't think I even know."

"Yeah so if I get this wrong, it's not my fault," Carson states.

I shrug.

"Oh wait, I think I know since I brought it for a date," he says, writing something down.

What's one thing I eat all the time? Starbucks doesn't count at all even though I go there all the time. Chipotle! I write Chipotle down.

"Reveal your boards," Collins orders.

Carson's answer is Subway...Subway?

"Really?" I ask.

"I brought this on our date at the beach," he points out.

I nod. "But that was the last time I had Subway. I stopped eating that. Chipotle is my number one, thanks to Johnny."

He groans, in frustration. I grab the tape and walk over to him. I place one end of the tape on his nose and wrap it on the top of his head. He looks like a pig now.

"Oh my gosh," Carson laughs.

"Second question," Collins says, in between laughter. "Is Carson allergic to anything? If so, what?"

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