New Year's Kiss

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Rachell's POV 

We arrived at Chez Fish. My parents and Carson's parents decided that we should all eat out together for our last dinner of 2015. 

Hostess: "Welcome to Chez Fish, how many?" 

Mom: "Ten." Oh I forgot to mention that, Olivia, Jackson and Jon, have flown out to LA to spend New Year's here. The hostess escorted us to our table. I sat down and Carson sat on my right, and Olivia say on my left. 

Hostess: "Your waiter will be right with you." 

Diane: "Thank you." A few moments later, our waiter came out. 

Waiter: "Hello, welcome to Chez Fish. I'm Tony and I'll be serving you for tonight. The special tonight is the lobster bistro with a garlic lemon sauce." He informed us, but was looking at me. I just want to say that sounds delicious. 

Tony: "So what can I get you for your drinks?" He asked, smiling at me. We all ordered and he nodded and walked away. 

Dad: "I have to say, 2015 has been an amazing year for my daughter releasing her EP, same as Carson, and Olivia for getting into an amazing college." He said, raising his glass of water that was already on the table. We all joined him. 

Diane: "The orchestra sounds beautiful." I nodded in agreement. That's the one thing I was excited for of coming to this restaurant. They have a small orchestra playing live. I'm a sucker for classical music. I noticed the girl that was running with two guys at the mall, was standing with one of the guys beside the restrooms. They were whispering to each other and looking around the restaurant. At one point, the girl and I made eye contact. I quickly looked away. Why are they standing there? Does she work here? Wait, is that creepy guy that was chasing her, here somewh- 

Carson: "What are you getting?" He asked, interrupting my thoughts. I blinked a couple of times, focusing on the menu that was in front of me. 

Me: "Uhh, I don't know yet. I might get a salad with salmon on top." 

Carson: "That sounds delicious." He said, with a cheeky smile. 

Me: "Yes, yes it does." I said, lightly pinching his cheek. Did I mention when Carson and I last facetimed, he said that whenever he put on a cheeky smile, that I should pinch his cheek. I have no idea why, but for some reason I agreed. 

Olivia: "Aww you two are adorable! Young love, it's beautiful." She stated, putting a hand over her heart. 

Carson: "Thanks sis." 

Tony: "Are we ready to order?" He said, coming up to our table and looking right at me. Why the heck is he only looking at me for most of the time? 

Mom: "I think we are." 

Carson's POV

We gave Tony our orders. 

Tony: "Okay, anything else?" He asked, seemingly to the table in general but his gaze never left Rachell. I'm sick of that guy. The whole night, he's been looking at Rachell and smiling at her. 

Dad: "That's it, thank you." Tony nodded and walked away. I reached for Rachell's hand that was under the table. She looked at me and gave me that million dollar smile of hers. She broke her gaze and looked down at her phone. She looked across the table at Luke and glared. He gave her an innocent smile. She shook her head "no". Luke replied with a puppy dog face. She rolled her eyes and shook her head again. I leaned in and put my mouth close to her ear. 

Me: "What does he want?" I whispered. 

Rachell: "He wants Karls number." 

Me: "Why? Doesn't she have a boyfriend?" 

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