I've Been Called Worse

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Rachell's POV 

~1 Day later~

Luke: "Come on Joey, let's build a snowman." 

Karlie: "Do you want to build a snowman?" She sang. 

Luke: "You have some weird friends." He teased. 

Me: "Like you're any better." I smirked. 

Luke: "I am." 

Me: "I'll keep that in mind, when you want to "whip" when you take an order." 

Karlie: "And I'm the weird one." 

Me: "Let's just help Joey with the snowman." I said, pointing to Joey carrying a small ball of snow and putting it on another ball of snow. 

Luke: "No offense, but his snowman is too small. It's lame." 

Me: "Luke, he's only three." 

Luke: "I bet me and Joey could make a way better snowman than yours." 

Karlie: "Is that a challenge?" She asked, getting up close to Luke. 

Luke: "Yeah, are you going to do it?" 

Karlie: "It's on." 

Luke: "This is a little too close for me." 

Karlie: "Same." She said, backing away. 

Luke: "Ready, set, go!" 

Karlie: "Okay, we should make a sculpture of a cute boy!" 

Me: "What?" 

Karlie: "Yeah, instead of a regular, classic snowman, we should do something creative!" 

Me: "Okay, who's the lucky guy?" I chuckled. 

Karlie: "Jake!" I bit my lip. How about no. 

Karlie: "Omg, your face!" She laughed. "I don't want to make a snow sculpture of Jake, I meant Jake," she said, pointing behind me. I turned around and saw Jake walking up the driveway. I turned back around. 

Me: "You invited him here!" I whispered. 

Karlie: "No! I would never put you in that kind of a situation. I guess he just decided to show up." She whispered back. 

Jake: "Hey babe." He wrapped his arm around Karlie. Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact. I kept repeating in my head. 

Jake: "And who is this?" 

Karlie: "Umm, it's Rachell." 

Me: "Hi again." 

Jake: "Hi." 

~2 minutes later~

Jake: "Well, this is awkward..." 

Me: "Yeah, I'm just gonna get Luke and Joey." 

Karlie: "Wait, you're leaving?" 

Me: "It's too awkward for me and him. And besides don't you want alone time with him?" 

Karlie: "I guess and I don't see how this is awkward." 

Me: "Well duh, you're not the one who's seeing your ex." 

Karlie: "I mean, you guys only broke up because of distance. You're just meeting again after seven months."

Me: "Remember when he visited LA and you guys thought, he was trying to get me back?" 

Karlie: "Yeah and it didn't work." 

Me: "Yeah it definitely didn't work, because I was already in a relationship and he tried to break us up." 

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