You Lost, I Won!

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Rachell's POV 

Nic: "That was fun." 

Jordyn: "Yeah." 

Carson: "Now what?" 

Me: "Wanna watch Teen Wolf?" 

Jordyn: "Heck yeah!" I chuckled and turned on Netflix. I found Teen Wolf and it started playing. I quickly paused it and got up to make popcorn. 

Jordyn: "I'll get some blankets." 

Me: "Okay, I'll get the popcorn." I went into the kitchen and got out a bag of popcorn. I put it in the microwave and selected the popcorn option. 

Carson: "This is agony!" 

Me: "What is?" 

Carson: "It's been two days, can I stop now?" 

Me: "It's only 5 o'clock. You have to finish this day." 

Carson: "But I..." 

Me: "No buts, it's not my fault you lost the bet." He opened his mouth to say something but I quickly interrupted him. 

Me: "And you could have backed down from the bet, but you didn't." 

Carson: "I never back down from anything." 

Me: "It's just a bet." 

Carson: "Doesn't matter, it was against you and I was planning on beating you." I opened the microwave and took out the bag. I opened it and poured it into a bowl. 

Me: "And how did that work out for ya?" 

Carson: "Not good." He pouted. 

Me: "Don't give me that face!" I threw some popcorn at him. 

Carson: "Hey!" He smiled. 

Carson: "I'll stop if you make the challenge over." 

Me: "Let me think about that." I turned around. 

Carson: "No I need an answer now." He grabbed my arm. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and I turned back around. I threw the popcorn at him again. 

Carson: "What's with you and throwing popcorn?" 

Me: "I don't know." I chuckled. 

Carson: "Two can play that game." He went into the fridge and got out two eggs. 

Me: "I used popcorn, that's not as messy as eggs!" 

Carson: "I play differently." I ran back into the living room. 

Me: "Jordyn, you guys go ahead and watch Teen Wolf." I quickly said. 

Jordyn: "What about you and Carson?" 

Me: "Me and him are at war right now." 

Carson: "There you are!" I quickly ran out to the back patio. I need a place to hide! I looked back and saw Jordyn on Carson's back. She's always there to help. I hid behind the shed. 

Carson: "Rachell, where are you?!" I opened the fence and ran into the garage. I opened my car door and got into the drivers seat. I slid down the seat, so no one could see me. My phone started buzzing. It read JJ 💕. I answered. 

Me: "Hello?" 

Jordyn: "Where the heck are you?" 

Me: "In the garage." 

Carson: "I'm coming for you!" 

Me: "You told him!" 

Jordyn: "He threatened me with an egg, if I didn't put you on speaker." 

Me: "Wow okay." I hung up. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Carson. It's a really good thing the side windows are tinted. He put his face on the Suburban. He turned around and looked inside my window. I slid down, underneath the wheel. All of a sudden the car door opened. Carson grabbed my arm and gently pulled me out. 

Carson: "I found you and there's no way you are escaping." He lifted his arm above my head and cracked the egg on my head. 

Me: "Eww gross! It's cold and slimy." 

Carson: "Good." He smirked. 

Me: "Okay you got your revenge. Are you happy?" 

Carson: "No." 

Me: "Why?" 

Carson: "Because I can't kiss you right now." 

Me: "Later you can." I walked back inside and went into the living room. I sat down and Carson sat beside me. 

Nic: "You guys are finally back!" 

Me: "Yep." 

Jordyn: "The challenge is that Carson can't do any romantic gestures and interactions towards you. But you can do romantic gestures and interactions towards him." She whispered. 

Me: "So?" I whispered back. 

Jordyn: "Tease him. Make it really challenging for him. The day is almost over and if you want to tweet anything you want on his account, you've got to play tough." I looked over at Carson. This is going to be really fun. 

Me: "Okay. I'll do it." I scooted closer to Carson. 

Jordyn: "Rachell, you look cold." 

Me: "What?" I whispered. She quickly slapped me on the arm. Ohhh I get it. 

Me: "Yep, I am." 

Carson: "Here." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. 

Carson: "Warm?" 

Me: "Yeah." He kissed my forehead. 

Me: "You lost." 

Carson: "Wait what?" 

Me: "Give me your phone. I get to tweet whatever I want." 

Carson: "Here." I took his phone and got on Twitter. I leaned over towards Jordyn. 

Me: "What should I tweet?" 

Jordyn: "Something hilarious." I tweeted "Sorry I haven't tweeted today... I was taking a really long poop 💩" Jordyn and I started laughing. 

Nic: "They're laughing, it can't be good." He chuckled. 

Carson: "What did you tweet?" I handed back his phone. 

Carson: "Oh my gosh. Someone just said, 'Are you okay? Do you need to go to the doctor?'" I quickly took his phone back. 

Me: "I think I'm going to tweet some more." 

Carson: "No don't." I started typing, when Carson tackled me. I fell onto the floor and his phone fell in front of me. I looked back at Carson and then the phone. Carson jumped up and grabbed his phone. I jumped on his back and we fell into the lazy chair. 

Carson: "Babe, you're not tweeting anymore embarrassing stuff." He chuckled. 

Me: "I never said I was going to tweet embarrassing stuff." 

Carson: "Then what were you going to tweet?" 

Me: "Forget it." 

Carson: "What? Just like that? No way babe!" I shrugged my shoulders, acting like I didn't care. I looked over to the TV and watched Teen Wolf. 

Carson: "Babe." I chuckled but ignored him. 

Carson: "Baby." I still ignored him. He turned me around and kissed me. My eyes widen from the sudden movement, but they slowly fluttered closed. 

{Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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