Beginner's Luck

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Rachell's POV

"You look hot in Carson's clothes, babe," Jordyn said, taking a picture of me.

"I know right," I said, putting on his Chicago Bulls snapback. "You also look hot in my brother's clothes."

"What can I say," she said, flipping her hair with her hand. "Next week is going to be awesome."

I nodded in agreement. "Have you finished packing?"

"I haven't started," she chuckled.

I shook my head, in amusement as I walked out of my room. I headed downstairs and saw Carson, Jaden, Luke, and Sean playing on the Xbox. I sat down in the recliner chair and watched as they shot each other.

Carson glanced at me and smiled, before walking over towards me, keeping his eyes on me. I chuckled quietly, as his character died for being shot continuously. He gently pushed me over and sat down in the space that he made.

"Dude!" Sean yelled, at Carson.

"What?" Carson asked, taking his eyes off me and over at Sean.

"You just died! We're gonna lose now," Sean replied, frantically, pushing the buttons on the controller like a mad man.

"We'll have a rematch. I just wanted to sit beside Rach," Carson said, placing his arm over my shoulders and kissing my cheek.

Sean rolled his eyes, as his character was eliminated by Luke. Jaden and Luke high-fived. "You wanna have a rematch?" Jaden smirked.

"Yes, and Carson, don't die this time," Sean stated.

"Well maybe I want to stare at my beautiful girl," Carson said.

"Fine, stare at her, but I don't want you to die, so give her the controller," Sean said, pointing at me.

"Oh, I don't know how to play..." I paused and looked at the tv screen, reading what the game is. "Battle Blast 5?"

"Just shoot Jaden and Luke's characters, take cover, and watch out for flying grenades," Sean informed. "The 'A' button is to shoot, to crouch is 'L1', to throw grenades, you hit the 'X' button. It's pretty explanatory."

"Uh, okay," I whispered, as Carson handed me the controller.

Jordyn walked in and sat beside Luke. "When are we heading out, guys?"

"After this round," Jaden replied, in his German accent. "Rachell is going to go against Luke and I."

"Finally! I get to see you beat up the boys," she said, excitingly.

"Or lose," I stated. "I have no idea how to pla-" I stopped, when the controller started vibrating, indicating that I was getting shot. I moved my character behind a crate and crouched down.

"Cover me, I'm going in," Sean said, glancing at me.

"Sure, where are you?" I asked.

"North wing," he replied. "Where are you?"

"Behind a wooden crate," I replied, making my character peek over the top of the crate.

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