Kellic | FTS | Assassin

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FTS - Fluff to smut (it is mild smut though)


All words for penis make me uncomfortable whoops (I call a penis " a Nigel Thornberry" so that doesn't help because writing smut and referring to the dick as his Nigel Thornberry is awkward)


Kellin Quinn, renowned assassin in the underground market. He is pricey, but he has a spotless record. Some missions can take up to months, some missions require sexual acts, some missions require the weirdest deaths. He makes enough money to own a house outside of New York where he lives alone and he drinks scotch as a daily activity.

Vic Fuentes, personal assistant to Sir Tony Perry. He is a simple guy who travels with Tony and his boyfriend Mike, who introduced them in the first place, Vic isn't exactly sure what Tony does, but he doesn't question it. Vic lives in a house on the Perry property and he likes the routine he has. He isn't sure what he wants to do in life, but he does play music every Friday night at a local bar.

~Vic's POV~

I was with Tony as we walked back to the car. He had just finished a dinner with his fellow business men, I was driving him home. There was a few banging sounds that rang out and Tony pulled me down and behind some random car. "Tony?" I ask, studying his alarmed face "fuck..." he whispers, grabbing his phone and quickly opening something up. "Tony what is wrong?" I ask as there are more banging sounds, it sounds like... Fireworks? Gun shots? Tony grabs my wrist and runs, running back into the mansion. He is pulling me through halls and rooms until we reach some small room and he pushes us in. There are other people in here who all look surprised. "We've been found" Tony explains "I fear it might be Quinn" he continues. Everyone starts mumbling and some people are pulling out devices. Tony grabs my shoulder roughly and pushes me into the corner of the room and pushes me down "stay down and shut up" he commands. I can't comprehend what is going on. What is "Quinn"? Why is Tony so freaked out? What were those noises? I hear more shots going off and I feel my eyes go wider. People start leaving the room and I swear I see someone pull out a handgun.

We stay there for awhile, I'm not sure how much, but there is no telling how long, someone nods towards Tony and he nods back. The guy who nodded opens the door and pulls out a gun, my eyes go wide, the man walks out and we hear nothing. There is a sound of someone trying to let out a scream. "Tony, I swear to god you have to explain to me what is going on!" I say, my voice shaking, as I uneasily get up, Tony looks towards me and just as he is about to say something someone appears at the doorway. He has raven hair and he is a bit short, he has dual swords out but he also has a holster with a gun.

"Perry" the person says "not telling your slaves about why they are gonna be dead" He says with an almost whimsical tone "dead?" I croak out in fear, he looks over at me and there is something in his eyes. "Quinn." Tony says in a flat voice "don't kill him. He is innocent" Tony tells this "Quinn" guy, he laughs "I'm not here to kill civilians. I'm a paid assassin, but I'm not a monster. He does however get the privilege to find out why he was dragged into this" he speaks in a scarily calm voice, "don't talk about me like I'm not here" I say in some weird confidence boost that drained as quickly as it came. He laughs and walks towards me, putting his swords away. He moves incredibly swiftly and he is behind me with a dagger to my throat "don't talk to me like I couldn't be able to kill you before you even finish your sentence. I think you forget that I'm the man with the gun" he whispers in my ear, "Quinn. Knock it off. He is just an idiot assistant." Tony says and Quinn lets go of me. "Tony... Tony Tony Tony. How does it feel knowing you are gonna be dead before dawn" Quinn taunts and my heart breaks "what am I gonna tell Mike?" I stupidly say out loud, Quinn laughs "ah yes! Mike Fuentes, brother to Vic Fuentes, boyfriend, soon to be engaged to Tony. Though I guess that engagement is gonna be broken before it even begins" Quinn says "engage?" I ask, Tony sighs "I was gonna propose to Mike. I was actually gonna ask you for your blessing on the way home. God damn, I've messed up" he explains, groaning at the last part. I take a step forward and I can feel Quinn tense up, he doesn't make a move though, I hug Tony. When I pull away I look over to Quinn. "is there someway to spare Tony. For my little brother's sake, please" I ask and I hear Tony laugh "give it up Vic, Kellin won't do shit" Kellin? He is actually named Kellin? I see something flicker in Kellin's eyes. "Quiet Perry!" Kellin says, "anything? I take Fuentes for myself, I let Tony go on the condition he straightens himself out and I let Tony and Mike live happily ever after" Kellin says. "Vic no" Tony says, but Kellin quickly goes behind Tony and covers his mouth "now now Tony, let Vic think for himself" Kellin purrs. I think about it. Am I willing to give up everything for Mike? Yes. "Fine." I quickly say, I hear Tony say something into the Kellin's hand "I'm willing to give up myself for Mike's happiness. Tony you better straighten out" I say, Kellin smirks and lets go of Tony who immediately pulls me into a hug. "Thank you" he whispers "make my brother happy" I whisper.

~Time Skip~

I grabbed the rail of the swimming pool and pulled myself out to only see Kellin there, I yelped and slipped back into the pool. I hear him laughing as I remerge from the water "you can't just scare me like that!" I exclaim, he raises his eyebrow and gets down on his knees as I grasp onto the edge onto the pool. He leans in and kisses me, which I happily return he leans away and smirks. I grab his collar and pull him into the pool, he lets out a squeal as I do so. He pulls me close and I grasp onto his clothes "now now young one, what gives you the right?" He teases. I roll my eyes and continue to kiss him. I pull away with his lip between my lip and I wink at him. I move down his neck "how was work?" I murmur as I suck on his neck. "Same old same old. Bad people were killed, I cleaned things up. Drove around a lot. Saw Tony" he drones on, "I wanna go back to that Tony thing later, but not right now." I murmur as Kellin slips his arms around me, "baby, you are all wrinkly" Kellin coos and he starts to get out of the water while I pry his clothes off.

He lays me down on the bed and we make out, my arms slip around him and I notice he is still tense. I smirk into the kiss and slowly flip us around. I kiss down his stomach and fiddle with his belt. After finally getting his wet pants off I start to breathe over his crotch. Slipping my fingers in the waistband as Kellin lets out some noises. I start moving my hand up and down and kiss his neck. He starts to pant and I know he is close. I go quicker and so does his low moans. His eyes open slightly and he grins at me, I love his eyes. He releases and I wipe my hand on his stomach. We cuddle for awhile before getting into the shower together and Kellin telling me about Tony and Mike.

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