Kellic | F | Sk8ter Boi

165 8 1

I've given up on titles sorry not sorry

cliche punk pastel high school au cos fight me



I fumble with my locker combination when someone comes up to the side of my locker and leans on whoever's locker is next to me. "Hey, you're Vic's girlfriend right?" The person asks, I roll my eyes "sure" I reply, not even looking up "watched him play at the Kismet last night, he's unbelievable" the guy says and I smirk, looking up "thanks, yeah he puts a lot into the shows" I tell him and he nods before walking away and leaving me awkwardly standing there. 

I get to where I sit with Alex and Awsten with and see that they both brought their boyfriends "didn't know it was bring your boyfriend to lunch day today" I tease and Alex grins "mad that Vic skips lunch?" He teases and I roll my eyes "no, just bothers me sometimes" I say, brushing it off and sitting on the bench. Alex is between Jack's legs and Awsten is laying on half of the bench, his hand holding Geoff's who is sitting on the ground. They all continue talking and I join in at different points. 

Vic has this punk band and they are locally famous and it sucks cause he thinks he needs this "image" to keep up and it's the worst. He spends a lot of time with his bandmates now and I don't want to tell him to stop hanging out with his friends to hang with mine. "So I saw Vic's band last night, great show but shit the crowd was intense" Alex says to me, I smile and nod "intense in a good way?" I ask "yeah, but I think it was a little much, the Kismet isn't a big enough venue, heard talk after that they were moving to a bigger venue" Alex says and I nod, excusing myself to the washroom.

Awsten follows me into the bathroom "what's up?" He asks and I chuckle slightly "the sky" I tell him which he rolls his eyes at "smooth, but really, you seem off" he comments and I shrug. "Just Vic and I, I feel like I'm becoming 'Vic's girlfriend' and a. I'm not even his girlfriend and b. I wanna be my own person and Vic's been so busy lately we don't see each other anymore and when we do I don't want to talk about all my dumb emotions, I just wanna enjoy his presence I guess" I rant, looking over at Awsten and his sympathetic face. "Kellin..." He starts "I know I know, it's not good and I'll fix it, but I just need to get Vic's attention long enough" I say, trying to shrug off his lecture. 

He grabs my phone and types something in, then apparently deletes it and tells me to stay in here and he leaves, tossing me my phone before leaving. I sigh, deciding it best to listen to Awsten, he is my best friend for a reason and I do trust him. After what feels like forever the door opens and in walks my boyfriend who looks panicked and is clutching his phone "Kellin!" He says, looking over and sighing in relief, grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. 

"Your text made it seem like you were dying, what happened?" He asks as he pulls away from the hug and straightening out his denim jacket "sorry that was Awsten. I think we need to talk" I tell him, staring at my feet, feeling nervous. Vic grabs my face and pulls me up so I'm looking at him "what's wrong?" He asks "we don't talk anymore, well we do, but it's never meaningful and fullfilling. Also I'm turning into "Vic's girlfriend" and I'm not even a girl and I'm my own person plus you are moving venues and didn't tell me and everyone brought their boyfriends to lunch and you are so worried about your rep you leave at lunch all the time and sometimes I just want to bring my boyfriend to lunch sometimes and cuddle and hold hands in public and go on cute dates not going to punk shows and then making out in the alley or something" I ramble, he nods the whole time and when I finish I sigh "sorry, that was a lot" I breathe out and he nods slightly. 

"I'm sorry" he starts and I go to interrupt but he hushes me "I've been a shitty boyfriend recently, don't argue. You're right, I'm too worried about my rep and I need to quit it, especially when it comes to my beautiful boyfriend. I can totally come to lunch with you whenever you want and I'll take you on picnics at the park and hold your hand down the hall if that's what you want, I just want you to know you can talk to me. I am down to put aside my dumb ego if I get to be with you, that's all I want. We aren't moving venues, it's in the very very early talks but it's nothing decided, don't worry. Now, tomorrow do you want me to tag along for lunch?" He asks, and I blush nodding shyly. He grabs my hand, bringing it up and kissing it. 


I cuddle up in this old Sublime sweater that was Vic's, I stole it because on our first date we ended up getting drenched by the rain while walking to his house and he gave me the sweater and said to give it back, which I never did. He walks into the bedroom and smiles "I forgot about that sweater" he says, putting the pizza box down and handing me a soda. He pushes the laptop a little farther down on the bed and pulls me into his arms. He then hits play with his foot and we start My Neighbour Totoro. I smile and snuggle closer to him "'m I love you" I whisper "I love you too baby" he quietly replies.


Wowza this is trash but hey it's something here y'allgo 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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