Ryden | F | No Homo

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This is short but I'm only writing it because I'm in desperate need of distraction and writing is the only thing I can do.


*Ryan's POV*

As we walked down the hall I felt Brendon slip his smooth fingers through mine "no homo" he whispers as we continue, I giggle at his comment. We stop by my locker first and Brendon leans against the ones beside mine, I pull out my english textbook and notebook along with my pencil case. As I shut my locker Brendon kisses my cheek "no homo" he whispers in my ear, he then pulls away and walks off to his locker.

Spencer runs up to me as I walk down the hall towards English "what was that all about?" He asks, slightly panting "nothing, Brendon being dork" I reply, he nods "the same old I guess" he comments and I nod.

Tuesday suck because I have no classes besides lunch with Brendon. So the day just goes along like a fucking snail. I doodle in my books a lot, I see Brendon down the hall but he is always to far for me to catch up to him and still get back to class. It's okay though.

I grab my lunch bag and run into the back of the school. I run up to the old tree in the back of the property and I hurry under it's leaves. It's called a weeping willow, (the tree is in the media, just imagine the branches are way more thicker) I sit down at the base of the tree, I feel the carving of our initials in the rough bark. I open up my lunch and pull out a pudding cup (THEY SOUND LIKE THEY ARE LIKE 12 OR SOMETHING BUT THEY AREN'T, THEY ARE SENIORS) "starting without us?" I hear a voice call out and I look up and see Jon, Spencer and Brendon walking up to the tree, I smile "I was getting bored of waiting!" I reply and they all smile "yeah right, we saw you running to the tree, you haven't been here that long" Spencer says and I slightly blush. "Hey babe" Brendon whispers as he kisses my cheek, after he sits down he leans over "no homo" he tells me and then he pulls back like nothing happened.

After lunch we all get up and are about to walk back when Brendon tells Spencer and Jon to walk ahead of us, which they do happily as they walk hand in hand. Brendon pushes me against the tree and kisses me. "No homo" he says as he pulls away. He moves his lips to my neck and he sucks slightly "no homo" he whispers against my skin. He grips my hips "no homo" he says again. As he moves back to my lips "no-" "say no homo one more time and I will scream" I tell him, he smirks "- homo" he finishes off and just as I am about to say something the bell rings and signifies that we are late.

As Brendon grabs my hand and starts running down the field I hear him yell "no homo!" which causes some of the PE class that are making their way to the back field look over. I giggle at his silliness.


"No homo" I whisper to myself as I stare at the polaroid of me and Brendon standing under the weeping willow, we have just graduated. Spencer took the photo. I remember that day. I remember when we pooled all of our money into a pile just to buy that camera for graduation and we had so much fun. I feel a few tears roll down my cheeks and I sigh. It is only a stupid polaroid! I let out a huff of breath and I let it drop into the crate of records. I don't know why I agreed to help clean out the old record shop, I was a little tempted to steal some of these records, but I heard some bigshot hollywood star wanted them for his LA apartment or whatever, so no touchy touchy.

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