Wanna be in a story?

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Sorry I haven't written in frickin years, I've kinda fallen out with band fanfiction and I've lost a lot of interest in most ships (Cashby, Brustoff, mostly cos they are all dicks lol) and so I haven't written in a long time.

BUT I SAW PIERCE THE VEIL IN FEBRUARY!!! I saw them on their first Canadian date, Vancouver, they were absolutely amazing! Like holy shit it was fabulous, they were so good and energetic, the crowd was fucking awesome. Crown The Empire was so good, I'm pretty sure this is their first tour since Dave left lol, but they were amazing and fuck Andy is so hot I'm shook, I have such a boner for him lmao. Falling In Reverse was well, Falling In Reverse, their set was way longer and it hit a point to where it felt like all the same song and Ronnie threw pizza into the crowd?? I watched a girl grab one from the aisle and just eat it and I was like??? And then Ronnie had his whole "I'm an asshole, and raise your fingers if you are an asshole and if you say you aren't an asshole then you are one..." blah blah blah it was so dumb and it felt like it was just trying to appease teenage angst and edginess and I hated it, my sister and I just shared this really annoyed look. But fuck it was great and I was screaming so loud and I cried through Hold On Till May.

Either way today I saw Logan (The last Wolverine movie) and it was so good but the Charles Xavier academy or whatever (I know nothing about X-Men or Wolverine lmao) and it just gave me an idea for a mutant academy thing but I'm doing it on my terms, the ships I want and the cliches I want lol. 

So the ships will mostly be:






Rian x Cassadee

BUT THERE IS GONNA BE *Band member* x *reader* stuff, it won't be too much emphasize on those characters. SO HERE IS WHERE IT GETS FUN 

YOU CAN BE IN THE STORY! Just comment your name, pronouns, what power do you want and like a brief description of yourself (you can do someone else, doesn't have to be strictly you, but it's your character) on the person you want (if you are on the computer just comment who you want to be with I guess lol) 

Zack Merrick

Otto Wood

Denis Stoff

Dave Escamilla

Lynn Gunn

Tyler Carter

Jeremy McKinnon


Melanie Martinez

Ben Barlow

(you can "apply" for one of the people and maybe suggest someone else and I might add them!!)


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