Cashby | F | Walk Home

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This is meant to be smol, but cute. I got the idea from "A Part Of Me" by Neck Deep and I just thought the idea was cute so I just wanted to write a small thing for it. Don't judge, hopefully more stories coming soon!


*Alan's POV*

Austin grabbed my hand as we walked to his car. We just had dinner at this nice little restaurant and now he was taking me home. My parents love Austin so much, his parents view on me? Not as much love, but that's okay because I love Austin. He opened the door to his car for me, I smiled as he helped in. He shut the door and jogged to the other side.

We drove in a comfortable silence. His hand intertwined with mine when he hit a light. Soon enough we reach my home, however he has to park a little farther away due to other cars on the street. He gets out and opens the door for me, grabbing my hand as I step out and I feel myself blush. He smiles at me as he walks me up to the front door. "You didn't have to walk me up" I tell him, a small smile plays on his lips "it would be rude of me not to. I want to make sure you get home safe" he explains and I feel myself blushing even farther. "What did I do to deserve you?" I coo as I caress his cheek, he smiles and leans down, kissing me softly.

The door opens and my dad appears, we pull away awkwardly, I feel myself blushing even harder. "Austin, Alan" my dad says "Mr. Ashby nice to see you, how are you? The car still not working?" Austin asks "nice to see you too, I'm doing good. But no, the car won't start still and the wife keeps telling me to just take it into a mechanic but I'm not gonna get overcharged for some guy to tell me something about my car and then more overcharged for them to fix it" my dad rambles "either way, Alan say goodnight and come in, it's late" my dad tells me. I look at my dad, giving him a 'go-away-let-me-kiss-my-boyfriend' look (i wrote kill not kiss and I am dying, imagine Alan is actually a vamp) and he shakes his head "2 minutes" he informs us, shutting the door.

"Sorry about my dad" I tell Austin, he laughs "don't be sorry, it's nice that they worry about you so much" Austin exclaims and I grin a little bit. He leans forward and kisses me. My arms wrap around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me up. My tippy toes are off the ground now and Austin just spins me around a bit before putting me back down. I laugh and give him a good night kiss. "Good night Austin, drive safe and see you tomorrow" I tell him, he smiles "g'night to you too Alan, I will make sure I do not crash my car. Love you" he says "love you too" I grin as I open my door and walk into the front hall, I look back and smile a bit to see Austin giving me the most loving look I've ever seen. I close the door with a little wave. I lean my forehead against the door and close my eyes. What did I do to deserve such a guy?

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