Kellic | F | Storm

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So Kellin and Vic are at a fancy boarding school!! It's based off some Ouran High School Host Club clip thing I saw? I went to watch it on Netflix but it wasn't there anymore so I have no context for it sorry

~Vic is taller than Kellin in this by a sizeable difference?~


I closed the door to my dorm and walked over to my closet, opening it up and pulling a nightgown. I go into the washroom and get ready, slipping out of my school clothes and into the shower, I wash my body in really hot water just so I get more sleepy. I walk back out and I slip into the light pink satin nightgown. I go into my bedroom and I get into my bed. I close my eyes and hope to go to sleep to the sounds of harsh rain.

I was getting lulled into sleep when suddenly a flash of light in my room and a loud thunder clap quickly following. I jump out of my skin and shriek, sitting up quickly and looking around, breathing hard. I get out of bed and slip on a pair of slippers and I grab my housecoat, quickly pulling it around me. I go over to my windows, pulling them down and shutting out the loud wind and rain sound, but I can't stop the thunder and lightning.

I sigh and go back to bed, hopefully I can go to sleep even with the my fear of storming lingering in the background of my mind. Another flash and clap and I close my eyes harder, hoping I can fall asleep. I hear a loud banging noise and I quickly get up, my door opens and I look up, startled. "Vic?" I whisper, the light from the hallway pouring in and Vic's face illuminated from the new source of light. "You scared me!" I whisper harshly, walking over to him and closing the door behind him so no one sees us up, and Vic out of his room.

"Sorry, just couldn't sleep so I came by to see if you were still up, if you were asleep I was gonna go bother Jaime" he explains "would you have woken Jaime up?" I ask shyly, he gives a half smile "yeah, he doesn't need that much sleep" he jokes "would you have woken me up?" I offer, he shakes his head "no, you need your sleep" he says and I smile at that. "Well I have nothing to do tomorrow so..." I say, shrugging awkwardly, confused on why he showed up here.

I walk over to the window and I suddenly realize Vic is staring at me and I realize that I'm in a satin nightgown and it's not exactly modest, I blush and look down. He smiles at me and walks over, going behind me and wrapping his arms around me. I feel myself blush even more and I feel his breathing on the back of my neck "you blush a lot" he notes and I smile "it's just natural! My mom said I always had a blushy cheeks..." I whisper and he nods against my shoulder "no need to be shy about it, it's cute" he tells me.

We stand there for awhile and I feel peaceful, it seems there is no more thunder and lightning which is comforting. I feel embarrassed about my fear of storms, I don't really know where it started but besides my mom and my sister no one knows and I'd like to keep it that way for now.

Vic eventually entangles himself from me "I should get back to my room before it's too late" he whispers and I nod in agreement, already missing his warmth and the way that his presence comforts me in an instant.




I'm in love with Vic.

I watch as he walks away and I grab the back of his loose white button up shirt and he turns around, I'm about to speak but there is a crack of lightning and my voice goes high and I shriek, jumping up. He looks at me, eyebrows raised "Kellin?" He asks as the thunder rolls through and I look out the window, scared that it may happen again and if it does it will happen close, maybe outside my window! Vic tugs on my hand and I look back at him, eyes wide. He looks down at me and smiles "is Kellin afraid of a little thunder and lightning?" He teases, I feel my face go red and I stutter out a few words that don't really make sense.

"Are you actually scared?" He breathes out and I look down "yeah..." I whisper and he smiles, pulling me closer and hugging me. "You should've told me earlier!" He tells me and I smirk into his shoulder "I know, but it's awkward and I felt weak because of it" I explain to him and I feel him nod, his hand rubbing my back "don't fret, I'll protect you" he says and I smile at his protectiveness.

He leads me to my bed and he falls into it, getting under the covers, pulling me under with him "what are you doing!" I squeak, he smiles at me "I'm protecting you of course" he says, pulling me under the covers and up to his side. He turns me around and pulls me close so we are 'spooning' and then he puts his arms around me, his face in my neck. "Vic..." I say unsteadily "mhm" he mumbles "um- I think- I- I think I like you" I whisper "you think?" He asks, I roll my eyes "I know I like you" I reply quietly. "I already knew that, do you think I'd do this for you if I didn't like you back" he tells me and I feel butterflies erupt in my tummy "really?!" I ask excitedly, "yes, now let's go to sleep" he whispers, nuzzling into me.


Just a short late night one shot lit

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