Cashby | F | It's A Good Day

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Idk, it's short, sorry, I got the idea when listening to Hey Violet


-*Alan's POV*-

I smiled in the middle of the street, the rain beating down on me, I know I'm getting soaked, but that's okay. I danced around, stomping in puddles and swinging my legs up, humming a tune. Today is a good day!

I ran up the street and jumped up and down a few times before spinning around. Fuck the pavement! I think and I hop onto the empty road. It is late and no one really comes down this street anyway. I put my arms out and my face looking up at the sky. I smile. I feel my ginger hair soaking and my shoes are now ruined. As I spin around I don't notice the puddle and

*Austin's POV*

Who the fuck is this kid? He is running around the streets at fucking midnight, looking like an idiot, all smiles, what does he have to be happy about? It's late and it's pouring cats and dogs. He runs down the street, splashing into the puddles and jumping around. He stood around and put his arms out and his face to the sky. Stupid smile from a stupid ginger.

He goes to spin and oh- OH. He slips and the way he falls look painful.

*Alan's POV*

I landed right on my ankle and I feel something snap. My eyes widen and I stared at my foot. "Fuck!" I squeak out, I go to get up and I feel my ankle throb, I let out a little sob and I close my eyes. What do I do? I laugh, laughing helps me sometimes. "Hey! Kid!" I hear a voice yell, I look up and see some tall guy with tattoos coming towards me. "Are you okay?" He asks as he gets closer "I think so" I tell him. I go to get up again and then I wince in pain and fall back down, "shit you're hurt aren't you?" He asks, I blush and nod. He sighs and looks around "wait here" he tells me then he runs off back where he went.

He comes back but this time in a car, he parks right near me and comes back over to me, he then scoops me up and lays me in the backseat of the car "set your foot up on the door" he explains. I listen and press my foot on the cool misty glass. He gets in the car as he starts driving the cd that was in the car last starts to play. Slipknot. As he goes to turn it off I smile to myself "didn't see you as a Slipknot kind of guy to be honest" I tell him and I see him relax slightly. The car ride is silent and filled with Slipknot.

We get to the hospital and he comes around to the door and opens it, he then scoops me up again and carries me in, after he sets me in a chair he walks to the front desk. When he comes back and hands me the clipboard with all the forms. I fill out the forms and Austin grabs them and goes back to the reception. After an hour of awkward small chat someone finally comes to get me with a wheelchair.

I get X-rays done and then wait around in a second waiting room. Then I'm wheeled into a room with the doctor, she sets my foot and puts the bandage around it while explaining it a sever sprain. I shouldn't walk on it and she'll supply me with crutches (I've never broken or sprained anything, can you tell? Lmao)

I limp out and get the crushes from the nurses station, then I hobble back into the main waiting room. I see Austin in a chair, fast asleep and I furrow my brows, I didn't think he would be here still? I wobble over to him and kick him gently in the leg with my crutch, he jerks away and his disgruntled look is quickly moved to a small smile. "Everything good?" He asks, I nod "just a severe sprain as long as I don't walk on it it'll be fine" I explain, he nods and helps me out to his car.

"You didn't have to wait around" I whisper as we drive back, me now in the front. He turns down the music "of course I did! It's 3 in the morning and you are on crutches, I wasn't just gonna leave you to fend for yourself" he explains. I shrug "thanks" I tell him, my voice more quiet than intended. "So why were you dancing in the street at midnight?" He asks. I blush as the memories flood back.

"I- uh- I got evicted" I whisper, trying to sound like I somewhat had my life together. "How come?" He asks, I sigh "something with my parents being homophobic and me being gay, it's all a big mess" I explain, my voice small and I try to keep the tears back. I lean forward and put my head in my hands, I feel his hand rub my back. "How are old are you?" He asks "I'm 22, I just lived with my parents till I had the money to move to LA for music and the general culture" I explain, feeling dumb. "What instrument do you play?" "guitar" "that's neat" "not really, kind of unoriginal. I'll go to my aunt- nope she is also homophobic actually when I think about it all of my family is kind of homophobic. I'll figure something out" I think out loud.

"Stay with me for the night" Austin says "are you sure? You could be some creepy murderer rapist" I sigh "I can promise you I'm not- I'm not to sure what to say to disprove your murderer rapist theory though. My name is Austin Carlile, I'm 26, I like cats and tattoos. I love music and I'm considering starting a band with my friends. I am also gay, I have Marfan syndrome which is a thing with my heart and I'm actually recovering from a recent surgery" he explains, I nod. "I'm sorry to hear about your Marfans, that shit sucks. I'm Alan Ashby, I'm 22, I also like cats and tattoos and I actually have a cat tattoo on my chest which I guess I can show now because I don't live with my parents. I am currently homeless and jobless but I have some money in my savings which I'll have to use now instead of LA." I explain.

We spend the whole night talking.


I put down the last box and I feel familiar tattooed arms wrap around my waist. I lean into the tall body "your dream! LA is at your finger tips" he whispers in my ear and I grin "it really is" I sigh, interlocking my fingers with his and feeling the smooth gold band around his finger.

I ended up living witH Austin and we went from friends to dating pretty quickly and then 6 months ago he proposed to me and I said yes, we then decided to move to LA and pursue our band dreams. My parents haven't come around but they let me see my sister, the rest of my family has and my little sister is happy to have a gay brother (She is young and doesn't understand the whole "We aren't all fashion crazed Lady GaGa fans") so I'll miss her, but I promised to Skype her and to make sure I travel to see her a lot.



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