Gay update/// I got surgery? read!!!! I have a new book dedicated to fem AUs

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Okay so I'm so sorry in bad at updating, just I've had major writers block and I don't really have a lot of time to actually write. I'm trying to convince my dad to leads a laptop for me so hopefully that pans out well. I also had singers on Friday!!! It went well, I now have a magnet in my head and when everything Halas I'm gonna get a hearing aid that'll attach to the magnet and yeah. I had a lot of difficulty with the amount of hair they had to shave, it was way more than expected (and what I was told) and I have a strong attachment to my hair so it was difficult for me, but I'm okay now. If you guys are curious I can post a photo of it now? Also OMG my head keeps itching but I can't itch it because of the incision h e l p

Link to my fem boy book!!!:

So are you guys interested in a pic of my freshly shaven head and cool soon to be scar or am I just being dumb lol.

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