Joli | F | Skinny

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Jordan Fish x Oli Sykes

Idk why I ship it, but I do

TRIGGER: eating disorder/self harm


*Jordan's POV*

I stood in front of the mirror in the boys bathroom. I should be in the library because it's my spare and I have a test next block, but I can't help but stand here. I'm quite the ugly creature. My family and my bullies don't let me forget that.

You've got the asshole popular guys who are popular by beating people into submission and cowardness, then you've got your nice popular guys who everyone likes because they help pick up your books and such. Oli Sykes is one of the nice guys. I have a huge crush on him, yeah I'm gay and believe me, my family doesn't let me forget that either. I was actually banned from the guys locker room and from PE, because our school is crazy conservative and I accidentally came out. So yeah, life is hell.

The more I think about it the more the tears sting in my eyes. Look at me! I'm a filthy excuse for a human being. I don't have any friends, my family hates me and I can't even look at myself in the mirror without feeling the need to puke. Which speaking of puking.

I flee into one of the stalls and kneel right next to the toilet and I hurl. I hate this. I hate my life and I hate myself. The only reason I'm not dead is because I don't want to make a scene. After I finish I walk out of the bathroom and I gargle some water. When I look back up at the mirror I start to get upset again. Great! Now I'm crying. Fucking hell.

I stood there sobbing into my hands which are covered by my oversized sweaters. People where oversized sweaters to look cute, I wear them because they are the only clothes I own, my family doesn't bother to buy me new stuff and with all my puking I'm less fatter and don't fit these as well. I am sobbing harder now. I need to get a grip on myself. Just I start to find myself hyperventilating I hear the bathroom door open, I bolt into one of the stalls and I slam it shut, getting up on the toilet so no one can see my feet.

I'm not allowed in certain bathrooms, because of the urinals. So I'm stuck in the two bathrooms that are no where near any of my classes. I try to calm down but that is just getting me more freaked out. "Hello?" A voice calls out... That voice... Oli! Fuck no, Oliver fucking Sykes can't see me like this! I try to stifle my breathing and my tears but I get no success. "Anyone in here" I see a shadow from the other side of the stall.

The door opens, I forgot I went into the broken stall. There he is. Staring at me. Oli Sykes is standing there at the doorway, looking as gorgeous as ever, staring at a miserable excuse of a human. My eyes widen and I find myself starting to freak out. Run.

So I do.

I bolt and I run out of the room and down the halls and I realize that I'm incredibly weak because I collapse on the hall floor and I start freaking out because I feel like I'm gonna pass out and I'm starting to panic. I sneak into one of the abandoned classrooms and I hide in there. I'm sat against the wall, head in my hands, trying to tame my shaky breathing and trying to get control again. "Jordan?" I hear Oli ask and I snap my head up. There he is, looking at me with sympathetic eyes. I go to bounce up and run but as I get up I fall again and Oli catches me. He sets me down and is holding my face. "You look sick" he whispers, "I'm *deep inhale* fine" I wheeze out, "no you're not" he tells me "says who?" I ask "your body" he replies, a little cheekiness in his voice. He grabs his bag and pulls out a water bottle. "Drink" he says and I shake my head, he sighs. He opens the water bottle lid and forces it to my lips. I reluctantly drink from it.

"Why?" He asks after awhile "why what?" I ask "why... Why do this to yourself?" He asks and I shrug "long story" I say, in hope he shuts up about it "I have all the time in the world" he tells me. I sigh "you aren't gonna let this go are you?" "no"

"My parents hate me, this school hates me, this town hates me, I hate me. There is nothing for me. I've been tormented for so long by everyone, my sexuality has stopped me from being happy. My parents don't care about me. I'm ugly, I'm dumb and I'm nothing special" I explain "I'm a waste of space" I whisper to myself. He grabs me and hugs me. I haven't been hugged since I was a kid, before I fucked up. "I don't hate you, in fact, you are an amazing human being with so much to live for. I'm gonna make it my job to help you. You are not a waste of space" he whispers, I start crying. "N- one has ever s- said something like that to- to me" I whimper and he grips me harder. "Get used to it" he tells me.

*7 months later* May

"Oliver Sykes get back here" I giggle as he runs behind the big oak tree in the back of the of school. "Nevaaaaa!" He laughs and I run forward and around the tree. He is leaning against it, smirking, "you are too cute when you run" he laughs and I blush at his comment. "No need for the flattery" I tell him and his grin falters "there is every need for the flattery, you deserve all my flattery" he tells me and I blush and I look down at my shoes. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. He moves forward and brushes our lips together. He goes to pull away and I close the gap again. We stand there, Oli holding my chin and me holding the ends of his shirt. When he pulls away he is smiling like a madman "you are the most precious creature in the world" he tells me "and you are the king of being the most lovely of everyone in the entire world" I reply. He hugs me.

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too" I whisper back.

We sit down at the tree, me in between his legs, his arms around my waist "I'm so proud of you" he tells me and I smirk "why so?" I ask "because 7 months ago you were in a place I can't begin to describe and you have grown so much from then" he explains, I nod, closing my eyes "you are one of the strongest guys I know" he continues. I shush him by connecting our lips. "You talk to much" I explain.


Idk what this is. It isn't great and I'm not that proud of it, but I'm gonna go with it and just publish it.

Joli ? Jordiver ?? Jorliver ?? Idk

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