Ryden/Rydon | F | It's Been Awhile

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This is a twisted version of what has happened (No Sarah btw)


~ Ryan's POV ~

My conscious has been driving me insane recently. I'm living a comfortable life with my girlfriend in LA but it keeps coming back. The stupid Cape Town dreams. The night everything went to hell. I know where Brendon lives, but I can't go and see him! Especially at... 11:39pm on a Thursday night. I tossed and turned in my bed.

"Ryan- OH MY GOD" Spencer screeches as he walks into the green room. I push Brendon away "Spence!" I stammer "how long?" He asks both of us, I stare at my shoes "a few years, not official" Brendon says "not official?" Spencer asks, "we are just friends" I croak out, I feel Brendon's hurt eyes land on me as I say that statement. "Friends don't make out like that sober" Spencer tells me and I roll my eyes "it's different and this was the last time if will happen so you can get your panties out of a twist" Brendon says in a quiet yet angry tone, he runs out of the room.

I have to see him. No you don't yes I do! I need to resolve this always selfish, thinking about yourself what? You only wanna solve this because it is hurting you not true! Liar! Shut up!

I grab my car keys and my wallet. I get into my car and turn on the radio. As I make my way out of the LA traffic a song comes on. Hallelujah to be exact... I switch off the radio. Am I really being selfish? No! Maybe I am... What's the worst that happens? Door slammed in my face? A punch to the nose? Groin maybe. I park at his apartment complex and realize I've hit a dead end. How can I get him to buzz me in? I take a stab and press the button with his name beside it. "Hello?" A grumbled voice speaks out "hey..." I breathe, there is silence. I stand there and then decide he isn't coming. As I'm about to walk away I hear the door open and I look behind me. "Ryan..." He breathes out "hey" I say in a small voice. He runs towards me and hugs me. I hug him back. I feel him let out some sobs and I realize how this night is gonna go so I also start crying.

We make it up to his apartment and now here we are, sitting in his nice apartment. "I didn't think I would get this far" I tell him and he nods "I didn't really have a plan if you did decide to let me in. I guess I should say- I- uh- fuck Bren, I'm so fucking sorry! I was young and dumb and I wasn't thinking. I was so scared of my sexuality" I tell him "what is it?" he whispers "what is what?" I ask "your sexuality"

"I know, I've seen the videos"
"Ryan you hurt me so fucking much and I don't know how I can just let you back into my life again! I spent so long getting over you and I should kick you out and spit in your face but fuck, I can't! I still love you even after all this shit"
"I love you too"
"Are you being serious or are you just caught up in the moment"
"Definitely serious, no one thinks about an ex this much, especially not like I do"
"so... Now what?"
"I guess- I go home, we sleep. Clear our heads a bit and I break up with my girlfriend and then we talk at a reasonable time with reason in our heads"
"sounds good"

We walk to his front door and I grab his hand. "I'm sorry" I tell him, he shrugs "I know" he whispers and I want to kiss the hurt look off his face. "Don't do this for the wrong reasons" I tell him and he nods. I decide to throw caution to the wind I kiss him. It's not long, it's not returned, but I missed those lips so much. As I'm about to leave he grabs my wrist and pulls me into a kiss.


Part 2?

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