Orlando Shooting :(

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I'm so heartbroken over the shooting. (A little insight for those who don't know what I'm talking about) there was a mass shooting at a gay club called 'Pulse' in Orlando, Florida, 50 dead and 53 injured. One of the biggest shootings in American history. I'm so distraught over this, it's just so tragic and upsetting. I don't really know how to describe how I feel, it's just so... Horrible, I can't believe it to be honest. People say you should be scared of trans people in the bathroom but  no, we should be scared of people like this. America's gun laws are so fucked it's terrible, you can say what you want and try to defend it, but America has had 147 shootings in this year alone!!! Try to tell me it is just people that kill people because here in Canada we have strict gun laws and I haven't heard of shooting here since October (November maybe?) but I've heard about so many in America. It's just heartbreaking. BEING GAY ISN'T A CRIME!!! YOU SHOULD NOT BE KILLED FOR YOUR SEXUALITY!!! THE LGBT+COMMUNITY SHOULD NOT BE SCARED!!!

Either way I'm just upset so I'm gonna distract myself with writing

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