Cashby | F | Heathens!!! PT. 1

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Heathens music video!!!!

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Heathens music video!!!!

((I wrote this when Heathens came out but never finished it and now I'm just finishing it lmao))

*Alan's POV*

I pull out my sword from his back and I walk towards the big metal doors. I inspect the door for a few seconds before noticing the keypad on the wall, I look around and notice the camera on the roof. I sigh, grabbing my knife from my hip and throwing it at the camera. The camera shatters and I pick up my knife, putting it back. I move back to the keypad and inspect it.  I flip the cover open and I'm faced with a hand recognition lock, shit. I look back at the dead guard, I walk back to his body and pick up his arm, attempting to drag him and then reasoning the attempt is futile.

I didn't want it to come this but I need the serum on the other side of the door. I grab a grenade, I inspect the grenade for a second and just as I'm about to pull the pin I hear a noise echoing. Shit I think, putting the grenade back on my belt and I grab my dual swords, putting them up in a defensive stance, I go up against the wall and slowly inch my way to the corner so I can look down the hall leading up to hear. I then hear another, even closer noise, I look back at the door and see a man holding up the body to the hand recognition. "Who the fuck are you?" I ask, the man drops the body as the door beeps, he looks at me and gives a small half smirk "the name is Austin Carlile, and who might you be?" He asks, "I don't think that really matters. I'm the one who infiltrated first so I think I should get the serum" I tell him, walking over to the now open doors.

He follows me through, he goes to walk past me but I stop him "are you an idiot?" I ask him, looking over the room and at the safe placed in the wall just ahead of us. "I don't know toots, do I look like an idiot because if I remember correctly I got in here without killing anyone while you killed everyone in the way" Austin explains, his breath hot against my neck "I was right, you are an idiot. This is too easy just to get such an important thing. There is bound to be more security measures" I whisper to him. I go back out the hallway and stare at my dagger that's lodged in the camera. The problem with being short is I can't grab my shit, I start jumping at it but then realize how stupid that'd be if I do grab it and falls on me. "You need help with that princess?" Austin asks from behind, "no!" I huff, putting my hands on my hips and analyzing the hall.

I look at the pipes running along the roof, they are a bit lower. I jump up and latch onto them, then I grab my dagger and fall back down "I'm perfectly capable by myself thank you" I tell him, an amused look on his face "yeah, that's much easier than just letting me grab it" he rolls his eyes. I walk into the room again and quickly scan it, I see the camera focused on the safe and I quickly throw it, disarming it. Then I grab my other dagger and throw it at the other camera "you're smart I'll give you that" he tells me "thanks, but I don't need you to give me anything" I exclaim.

I push my long ginger hair out of my face, pulling my goggles down after, I click one of the buttons on them and I see the lasers, "invisible lasers, just like a shitty spy movie" I instruct him, "thanks for the info" he says, looking at his watch. I get down and I crawl, luckily with being small I can avoid the majority of lasers. I get to the end and slowly stand up. Fuck. The next lasers I can't get through, one is too low for me to crawl through, but the ones above it are too close to go through and I can't get over the top one because I'm too small. I feel a presence behind me and I roll my eyes, looking back at Austin who is deviously smiling at me. "Someone falling a little short?" He teases, I roll my eyes again "shut up" I tell him. He tinkers with a watch and then walks through the lasers. "Hey!" I call out "hmm, what's that noise I hear, is it the wind?" Austin taunts "fuck you, help me out" I demand "mmm no can do babe, if I let you through you'll just take the serum for yourself and no can do, I've got a mission to complete and that mission doesn't include me going back to the base to tell them some small girl took the serum instead" Austin says.

I huff as I watch him through lasers tinker with the safe. I look to the side and see some pipes near the walls, I walk over to them, putting my long hair up in a tight bun, jumping and latching onto the pipe, I pull my lower body up and link my ankles on the other side, I awkwardly shuffle down the pipe and to the other side, jumping down onto the other side. Austin looks up at me, surprised, I walk over to him and punch him in the arm "asshole" I spit, looking at the safe lock. I put my goggles on and press another button, I love these goggles, they are the best thing to ever happen to me, I see the lock combination.

I start maneuvering the lock, moving the dial to certain numbers and then letting it turn back, and then turning it to another number. The click of it opening and I smirk, looking at Austin's astonished face, I open it and grab the small box "thank you for nothing" I tell him, taking the box and putting it in my small fanny pack. "I'm gonna need that" he says, his voice going deep, I arch my eyebrow at him "really now? Think you can just straighten up your back, lower your voice and try to demand something and I'll just bend over backwards for you? If I ever see you again I hope your ego will have inflated a bit" I tell him, going over to the wall and jumping up.

A siren start going off and I sigh, grabbing one of my daggers from the camera and dropping down, I quickly army crawl over to the door and get up, I get up and look back at Austin as he walks through the lasers, I give him a wink and run off. I grab my swords and pull them out, keeping them at my sides and running out of the building. I press a button on my goggles and as I make it to a broken part of the fence my motorcycle comes up.


I walk into the boss room, sitting down and crossing my arms and my legs, "what's up Vic?" I ask, feeling a bit impatient as I was in the middle of an interrogation when Denis came in and said Vic needed to see me and that he'd take over, I'm so over Denis taking over my shit. "I'm sending you on a global mission" Vic starts, my eyes light up "thank god, I'm so over mafia business" I tell him, "yeah yeah yeah, I know you don't like partner-" "no!" I interrupt "hear me out!" Vic says "no, I'm not doing partner stuff, remember last time?" I ask, glaring at him "yes, I do and that's why Derek isn't here anymore. But listen to me, this guy is really good and hasn't me failed once and I trust him with my life. It will require from acting, but you're really good at these kind of missions, it'll take awhile and Kellin will give you more information about it" Vic explains, I sigh "fine, but I'm getting a vacation after this" I tell him, Vic sighs and nods. "Who am I going to be with? Please tell me it's not Denis because I will quit right here and right now" I say, Vic laughs, "no, it's not Denis. He's here right now actually!" Vic says, looking up at the door.

"Vic my buddy, nice to see you again" the voice says, I groan and look behind me, locking eyes with fucking Austin Carlile "you've got to be kidding me" I say.

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