Day 66

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Dear Diary,
After school today mom took me out to dinner. It was a nice restaurant, the type of place where you are expected to dress up.

I wore the dark green dress that reached just below my knees I got at the mall a few months ago. The time when I worried about things like grades, and what to wear.

I told mom we didn't have to go to that place. It was so expensive. I knew that my hospital and medication bills weren't cheap.

But she said it was fine and she got a bonus at work... I told her to save the money but all she did was frown at me saying.

'Just enjoy tonight Annabel, it's for the both of us'

So I did what she said. I enjoyed that night with mom where we didn't mention anything about my sickness. I enjoyed the smiles that graced her face. I enjoyed the time I had alone with my mom.

I know she's had it hard since dad left us. But I also knew she was strong.

She was my hero when I was younger and she still was today.

Mom will always be my hero, and I will love her forever... Even when I am no longer with her.


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