Chapter 1

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"Kiya can we sleep in here wif you?" Myra and Maya my 8 year old sisters asked me with their pillows and blankets in their hands as if they already knew the answer.

"Yea" i sighed and rolled my eyes. I love my sisters to death, I mean i did raise them. Its just that at the age of thirteen i don't get any me time. But since i know how things get at night i do need my sisters close to me.

While the twins were getting their pallets situated on the floor i heard my mom and her new boyfriend Tom arguing downstairs. It must be a major argument because my mom never argued back with any of her old boyfriends unless she wanted to get beat. For some reason since dad died all she does is attract drug dealers and abusing boyfriends.

I wanted to know what the argument was about so i stepped over the twins who were already asleep and stepped into the hallway to be nosy.

"No, I don't care what i did to you you ain't gonna touch my baby!" my mom yelled at Tom, crying at the same time.

"Bitch you think you gon' sit up in here in this house that i pay the mutha fuckin bills in and steal from me without gettin' what i want back!?" he questioned her through gritted teeth. Then he chuckled, "I'm gonna get that pretty thing you got up there and you damn sure ain' gon' do shit to stop me." Tom always crept me out since he came in our life two months ago. He always looked at me funny and found a way to rub his skin on mine. I'm hoping what he said had nothing to do with me. 

My thoughts were interrupted when i heard a loud thump. I ran back into my room careful not to step on one of the twins and got into my bed. Tears started flowing out of my eyes because I knew what the loud thump was.  I've heard it way to many times and it was my mom being handled by him.

As soon as i started drifting off into sleep from crying so much my door busted open so hard it put a huge hole in my wall. Tom stood in the middle of the doorway with a stupid grin on his face. The twins were screaming and crying from being scared out of their sleep.

"Shut up and get out!" Tom screamed at them. They looked at me and all i could see was fear in their hazel eyes. "Get out!" he yelled again.

Since the twins weren't moving fast enough he grabbed both of them and threw both of them out the door. I jumped up and started hitting him on his head. Nobody is going to put their hands on my sisters without putting up a fight against me.

He picked me up and threw me across the room as if none of my hits phased him. "What do you want from me?" i said through tears. All he did was give me that dumb grin again. He turned around and closed the door so that it was just us two in the room.

"You wanna know what i want to do to you?" He asked licking his lips. The way that he asked that question sent chills down my spine. He started walking closer towards me. "Get up." he said looking down over me. At first i hesitated, but i knew that if i didn't do as i was told i was going to get thrown all over my room.

"Please don't hurt me." i cried. By now i knew that my eyes were red from crying so hard. My heart beat fast in fear as he walked around me eyeing me up and down. For me to be thirteen, i had every feature of an eighteen year old. I had soft caramel skin, long black hair that stopped right in the middle of my back, thanks to my moms side of the family. I had a size 38C boobs, a round plump butt that sat up perfectly and curves in all the right places. I usually loved all of my features but right now i hated them because of the way he was looking at me.

He sat on my bed, his eyes never leaving my body. "Take your clothes off." he said.

"What! No!" i halfway screamed. He looked at me as if i was crazy.

"Look," he paused for a second "if you don't take them off I will have to take them off for you and i wont make it nice." He said standing up walking closer to me again.  "The last thing i want to do is mess that pretty little face of yours up because you want to be disrespectful and hard headed. Now i'm gonna tell you one more time to take your damn clothes off." he said sounding frustrated, poking my head with his finger. He was so close to me I could smell the alcohol on his breath and through his pores. The smell almost made me sick to my stomach.

I was scared out of my mind when he said that. No man has seen me naked except my dad and he hasn't seen me naked since i learned how to take my own baths.

I slowly started to take my pants off. "Please don't do this." i cried a little louder. He sat back down on the bed with his eyes glued to every move I made. What really made me mad was that he still had that stupid grin on his face. He nodded his head telling me to keep going.

When i started to take my shirt off he stood up and ripped my bra off. I have never felt so violated in my life. "Get on the bed." he said in a demanding voice with his finger pointed.

"Why do you want to do this to me?" i cried hoping that he would have a change of heart and just let me go. "Please just let me and my sisters go to sleep" i continued to cry, hoping he would come to his senses and not do what I knew he was about to do to me.

"I said get on the bed!" he yelled. "Don't make me have to do it myself. You are just making this harder than what it has to be." he said putting his hand up as if he was about to smack me in my face.

With me being scared to death of what would happen to me if i didn't do what he asked, i just went ahead and laid on my bed trying to cover myself with my hands and arms as much as possible.

While i'm laying here not knowing what his next move was going to be, he just stood over top of me looking me up and down again. He looked at me like he was starving and was ready to dig into the best meal of his life. Tears just kept staining my cheeks. Just the thought of this man touching me in any kind of way made me want to die.

He has to be in his late 30s. He is as black as a panther with about 3 yellow teeth hanging on by a thread in the front of his mouth. He is about 6'4 in height and 300 pounds. His beer gut drooped over and he was ashy all over. Even his lips looked crusty. All i know is that he is one of the ugliest men my mom ever decided to mess around with. 

Interrupted by my thoughts i felt his nasty tongue licking and biting on my boobs. When i looked down at him he was butt naked. I started to cry harder because i know what was about to happen. I never imagined me loosing my virginity this way. I always wanted it to be with the man that i fall in love with and treats me right and loved me in all the right places. But now my dreams are being crushed. What this man is about to take, i will never be able to get back.

"Oooh you taste so sweet" he said in a creepy voice as he kept licking on me. Making my body shiver in a disgusted way.

All of a sudden i felt a ripping pain as he penetrated his penis inside of me. "Aaahhhh" i screamed out loud. This was the worst pain i ever imagined feeling. He just kept going, ripping the inside of me and more causing me so much pain. I couldn't stop screaming the pain was so unbearable. I just wanted him off of me. So i started kicking and punching him so he could stop. But he didn't. He just kept pushing deeper inside of me as I felt my gold rip open with every stroke. I needed him off of me now! "Please stop!" I yelled trying to push him off of me. Nothing worked because of how much stronger he was than me.

"Bitch stay still!" he yelled as he punched me in my face causing me to feel dizzy. After that hit, i just felt weak. I couldn't fight any more. He was just staring at me while he took every part of my innocence. The pain has went numb just like the rest of my body. He just kept going and going until he found his release. Happy that he was finally getting off of me I just laid there and cried. 

He sat up on the side of the bed and gathered his breath. He looked at me and licked his lips. "Oh i'm not done with you yet" he said as he flipped my body around so that my stomach was face down. All of a sudden i felt a whole new pain as i felt my butt hole rip open.

I screamed until i couldn't scream anymore. After that my whole world just went black.

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