Chapter 3

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Tamia and I have been friends since the 2nd grade. The first time we met, she scared a little boy that I didn't like away from me with her wreck less mouth even though she was no bigger than a toothpick. We've been inseparable ever since. We later found out that her dad and my dad were best friends also which pushed us even closer together because we got to hang out after school. The longer we've been friends, I got to know all of her family and she's got to know all of mine. When my dad died she grieved too because he was pretty much like an uncle to her.

She lived at her grandmothers house up until we started middle school so i was very familiar and comfortable with Ms. Grace. She treated me like i was her grandchild too and it felt like a second home. Every time i came over she would cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If i stayed the night she would wash my dirty clothes and have them folded for me. Ms. Grace was a very good caregiver with a huge heart which is why i didn't hesitate when Tamia said something about coming to stay with her.

"Hey Ms. Grace, it's so good to see you." I said as I gave her a big hug while she greeted us at the door.

"Hey my darling." she said smiling until she got a good look at my face. she gasps, "Oh my heavenly stars! What on earth happened to your face? And why do you look so pale chile'?" She asked as she guided us into the house and the girls and I sat down at the kitchen table. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Yes!" the girls said at the same time. I knew that they were hungry because they haven't ate since yesterday midday sometime. Even though food sounded good, i just don't have an appetite.

I explained everything to Ms. Grace after the girls were done eating and she was so teary eyed she could barely talk. "Oh, I'm so sorry this happened to you sweetheart." she said with a shaky voice. "You can stay here as long as you need to but I do have rules and regulations that you have to abide by. The only thing is you have two very young sisters and you are too young to be taking care of them by yourself and i'm too old to be taking care of them. Do you have any family at all that will be able to be responsible for them?"

Worry took me over instantly. I don't know how i felt about my sisters being away from me. But i had to figure something out for them because there was no way i could deal with them and school. The only thing i could think of was my aunt Mary on my dads side. The only downside to that was she lived 8 hours away. I would never be able to see them but i guess i have no choice. This is the only way i can ensure their safety and I know they will be well taken care of. I really wish i could do this myself but how will i be able to feed them and make sure they have clothes on their back? Make sure they are registered for school every year? Make sure that they have a meal when Ms. Grace can't provide anymore? I hope my aunt Mary can do this for us. I would die if my sisters had to end up in the system.


Its been 2 weeks since I've been raped, 1 week since my sisters went away with aunt Mary and i'm supposed to be starting back at school today. I don't look forward to this morning because i know everybody will be asking where I've been and whats been going on with me. Facing them would be dreadful.

As the bus came to a stop at school Tamia was standing right in front of the school waiting for me. "Oh my gosh i missed you sooo much!" she yelled running towards me and giving me a hug. "How are you doing? Are you feeling okay? How's grandma's house? Did the girls make it safe? Where have you been all my life? Please don't ever leave me here by myself that long again. And don't ever ignore my phone calls again." she said all at once not letting me get one answer in.

"I'm sorry sis. I've just been so depressed and trying to heal from that dirt bag is a process. But i'm here to get over this mess so let's just get this day started and over with." I said as we started walking to our first period class.

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