Chapter 28

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It's been a week since Ms. Grace and John came up here to see me and today is the day that I get released from the hospital. I've been progressing every day that i've been here. At first I couldn't walk at all because of the pain I had from giving birth but walking more and more every day helped me tremendously. My scars have somewhat healed and now I'm ready to go! I am so tired of hospital food and this raggedy hospital bed. Home sounded like love to me even though I haven't been home in a while. I can't wait to feel how it felt being at home again.

The only downside to going home is that Amari has to stay. When they told me that i couldn't take my daughter home with me I broke down. But it's for her good. They are trying their hardest to make sure she develops her lungs properly. So I'm going to make it a priority to come back to the hospital every day and spend as much time as I possibly can with her until I can take her home.

"You ready baby girl?" Mike asked with all of my things in his hand.

"Yes, more than ready." I said standing up ready to walk out of the room. "I'm going to go talk to Amari's nurse before I leave but you can put the stuff in the car and i will be out in a few" I said to him.

"Okay, i'm going to pull up to the front for you." He said leaning in to give me a kiss.

I pecked his lips before I walked off to the NICU. "Hi Mrs. Taylor." Amari's nurse said when I walked into the room.

"Hey I just want to make sure everything is fine before I leave today." I said hoping that she would say she is okay and she could just come home with me.

"Yes ma'am everything is just fine. Her lungs are almost fully developed so hopefully she can go home sooner than you think. You have a strong fighter on your hands." she said smiling.

"That's good news. I would like to tell you that my mom will be coming up here sometimes to see and check on her is that okay?" I asked.

"Yes that is fine just make sure you put whoever is allowed to visit her on the visitation sheet. We can't just allow anyone back here. I'm sure it will be okay though since we've seen her on many occasions here." the nurse said. 

Once she told me that, I went to the desk to fill out a few more papers for Amari and then I went to her to give her my good bye love. When I walked out of the hospital Mike was waiting for me at the door like he said he would be. He got out of his Rolls Royce and opened the door for me. "Thanks babe." I said sitting in the car. 

Just seeing the sun shine outside was so different to me. I was looking at everything like I've seen it for the first time and that's what i'm going to continue to do. You never know when the simplest things can be taken away from you and I will never take anything for granted anymore because everything was about to be taken away from me. 

When I looked over to Mike I even looked at him differently. Yea he had a fucked up way of doing things in the past but just thinking about everything he has done for me made me love him more than ever. He saved me within the second that my life was going to be taken away from me. Not just my life but Amari's life too. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have got in that situation but at the same time if it wasn't for him I could have been in a way worse situation. Vonte already had plans to sell me out when we had sex for the first time. If i never met Mike he would have never been here to save me from him. "You okay?" Mike asked. "You keep staring at me." He said chuckling.

"Yes i'm okay. I just want to thank you for everything. I know that when I first got out of that hell hole I gave you a hard time but my eyes are completely open now." I said smiling at him.

He blushed. "Anything for you baby girl. I can't imagine my life without you." he said leaning over to give me a kiss. 

I kissed his soft lips and put my tongue in his mouth making my girl jump at me. I missed his touch. I missed the way it felt when he made love to me and the kiss I was giving him let him know exactly how i felt.  I started kissing him a little harder because of how bad I wanted him right now. "I want you." I whispered and started kissing him again.

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