Chapter 22

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3 weeks later

Christmas day is finally here and everyone is downstairs sleeping except Mike and I. We've been up all night wrapping gifts for my sisters, my mom and my aunt and I've been excited since we've started. I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a holiday since my dad died. I haven't had my family around like this in years and i'm going to make the best out of this because you never really know if you can get moments like these again.

"What time is it baby girl?" Mike asked wrapping the last of the gifts.

I looked over at my phone, "Its 6:30." I said feeling tired from wrapping these gifts all night.

"Let's try and get some rest before we start this gift opening process, especially since everybody down there snoring." he said pulling me close to him.

I gave him a kiss. "Yea i need to sleep a little before I start on breakfast." I said laying in the bed. Mike crawled up behind me and held onto me. Nothing made me more happy than to be laying here with this man, my fiance on Christmas day. "Babe when should we set the date to get married?" I asked. I couldn't wait to make this man my husband. We haven't really talked about the wedding since he proposed because of family being here but this was something I just couldn't hold in any longer.

"Well I prefer asap but I also want to give you the wedding of your dreams so plan out everything that you want except the honey moon. I will take care of that part but once you tell me how you want things to be i'm going to make all of the calls and we will be on our merry way to being husband and wife." He said and then he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"So what's planned for the honey moon?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It's a surprise, take ya ass to sleep so my baby can get some rest before them crazy people wake up." He said smacking my butt. Then he took his hand and rubbed my baby bump until we both fell asleep.

I woke up to my stomach jerking, moving and fluttering. When I looked down at my belly you could see little kicks popping through my stomach. " Baby, Baby!" I yelled shaking Mike until he finally woke up.

"What's wrong? Everything okay?" He asked sitting up in the bed frantically.

"Yes babe, Look!" I said pointing to my baby kicking.

His eyes lit up like the Christmas tree we had downstairs, "Is that.." he asked pointing to my moving belly.

"Yes," I answered, already knowing what he was trying to ask. "Feel it." I said grabbing his hand. I laid his hand exactly where nugget was kicking. At first when nugget kicked his hand he jumped back because it was foreign to him but the next time he laid his hand down on my belly and nugget kicked, he left it there. "There's really something in there." I said looking into Mike's eyes.

"I can't believe i'm feeling this right now." he said still rubbing, waiting on the next kick.

Twenty seconds later Maya came into my room without knocking. "We made breakfast for you guys, Mia is here, and when can we start opening gifts? I know you got us something." she said all in one breath. The only thing I really heard was they made breakfast. I was happy that I didn't have to make it and me and nugget are starving.

"What did you guys make?" I asked still focused on the breakfast part.

"Auntie made grits and salmon, I made the eggs, and Myra made the sausage." she said sounding proud of their teamwork.

I was already out of the bed when she said the word grits. I slipped on my robe and practically ran down the steps to the food that was waiting on me.

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