Chapter 13

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The week with my sisters came to an end, and I'm sad that I have to leave them once again. This past week has brought us so much closer to each other and I'm not letting that go. We all made a promise to talk to each other at least three times a week. Mike bought them the newest iPhones so that we can keep up with each others life. 

"Baby I don't want to leave." I whined, while we were packing our things. Even though i didn't want to go i knew we still had work to do back at home.

"I know, I've enjoyed the break too but it's time to get back into reality." he said pulling me close to him, giving me a hug.

"Yea I know." I said, laying my head into his chest. "I told the girls that they can come up here to stay with us sometime when they are on a break from school or something." I told him.

"I think that's a great idea." he said. "So you know there is one more thing that we have to do before we leave right?" he asked.

"No, what else do we have to do besides get on the road home?" I asked confused. What did he have up his sleeve this time?

"Exactly, we need to get on the road and you will be the one driving us up there." he said coming towards me.

I had forgotten all about him saying that he was going to teach me how to drive. But he didn't teach me this whole week and now he's expecting me to drive 8 hours up the road. He must have lost his mind somewhere while we were down here. "But  you haven't taught me anything yet." I said looking up to him. "I don't want to be the reason why we die going back." i continued.

He laughed at me. "We are not going to die baby girl. Driving is easy. We are going to start off on that dirt road we seen going to that club i was looking at and then we will take it from there." he said pecking my lips.

"Okay." i said. I am really nervous but excited at the same time. Learning how to drive is the first step to getting my dream car.

We just pulled up to the spot Mike was talking about earlier. The road was clear except for us parked right in the middle. "Are you ready?" he asked looking over to me while taking his seat belt off.

I took a deep breath in and and answered, "Yes, as ready as i will get."

I got into the car and listened to Mike's instructions carefully. It started off rough because i had no idea how to turn the wheel. I didn't know that i had to be so gentle with it. I turned so hard that we ended up off of the road into the grass. "Thank God this isn't a ditch." Mike said trying hard to keep his cool but failed terribly. He was over there breathing so hard I could see his chest rising up and down.

"I'm not doing that bad am I?" I asked. I felt like i was doing a pretty good job considering this is my first time ever behind the wheel.

"Just get back onto the road please and follow the road pattern with the wheel." he said. He put his hands on mine and helped me steer a little until i got the hang of it and before you know it i felt like a pro. We practiced for another 30 minutes or so before we stopped.

"I think you may be ready but there are other cars that's going to be on the road this time so make sure you take it slow and be aware of your surroundings. On the highway use the car in front of you to be your guide. I will be coaching you the whole way through." he said.

"I can't wait." I said excited.

"Oh yea and you are definitely not driving the whole way back. Maybe halfway but not the whole way." he said chuckling.

I just looked at him, rolled my eyes and started the car. "Let's get moving." I said before pulling off.

By the time we were halfway to our destination it was completely dark outside. I started getting a little sleepy. "You ready for me to take over?" Mike asked.

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