Chapter 25

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I woke up still handcuffed to this bed. The only thing I can think of right now is my baby. I haven't felt nugget move since that fall to the floor. All I can do is pray that my baby is okay and is just getting more rest than usual. My thoughts were interrupted when Vonte walked in.

I felt nothing but hatred towards him as he walked towards me with a stupid smile on his face. I gathered up as much spit in my mouth as I could and waited until he was in front of me. "That face of yours ain't too pretty anymore." he said touching my swollen eye.

I spit out everything I gathered in my mouth and watched the  slimy spit slide down  his face and onto his lips. I smiled after that knowing that it pissed him off. "Looks like yours ain't pretty no more either." I said smirking.

He wiped it off his face as he stood there looking at me evilly. "You really got some mutha fucking nerve huh." he said backing away. "Im gonna let you live. For now." he said and then walked out of the room. I didn't know exactly what that meant but i'm glad that it got him out of my face and out of my sight.

With nothing but time to think and look at the four walls, I revisited one of the most happiest times of my life. The day I was proposed to, when I got to see my mom sober for the first time in years, my sisters coming up to visit and witness the proposal, even down to my aunt punching the shit out of my mom. That part made me giggle a little. That's the first time I smiled and meant it since i've been here and it felt kind of good. I love my family, we've been through it all together but the good thing is we made it through and we all ended up together at the end. Except one person and that's Mia.

Mia missed out on my proposal, she missed out on Christmas, she's missed out on my pregnancy and all. Why? Because of Drew. I don't know what that man was made of but he was obviously a drug to her because she just can't seem to get rid of that bad habit. I'm sitting here bruised and swollen just like her, yea a little worse than her but after going through something like this I could never see myself wanting to go back into a situation that could cause me to end up the same way again.

All of a sudden I got a real bad feeling like something was wrong. Not with me, not with the baby, not with Mike or the girls, not even my mom but something was wrong with Mia. Really wrong. It's almost like I can sense her signals to me. I know that I said what I said to her on Christmas but in all reality I love her to death and if anything were to happen to her it would kill me, that's if i'm not already dead by then. I closed my eyes and said a prayer for her and hoped that everything was okay.

Brandon came into the room shortly after I finished my prayer for Mia. "I don't know what you did to Vee but you really pissed him off." He said closing the door behind him.

"I don't really care at this point. Anything I do pisses him off, including me breathing." I said nonchalantly.

"That man was keeping you alive for a reason shorty but after you did what you did to him today, that ain't going to be much longer." he said shaking his head looking like he was disappointed.

"Why are you in here talking to me like we are friends or something. Can you just come do what you gonna do to me so I can be alone again." I said getting irritated that he was even talking to me.

"Look, I was easy on Steph for a reason. I really liked her. I don't like seeing y'all tied up in here to be honest but it's my life on the line if I was to say anything about it or even try to help y'all out." he said sounding soft.

I rolled my eyes at what he just said to me. "How the fuck do you feel sorry for us when you are sticking your dick in us when we don't want you to just like the rest of them. Like I said just do what you gotta do so you can leave me in here to be alone. I hate all of y'all and I hope that y'all die slow like I have to do." I said.

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