Chapter 2

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"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" I screamed filled with so much excitement. I haven't got to see my daddy all day because he was at work.

"Hey my baby girl." he said with all of his white teeth, showing how happy he was. "I was thinking about my little kitten all day and couldn't wait to get home to you so we could celebrate your birthday. I missed you so much!" He said planting a big kiss on my cheek.

"I missed you too daddy." i said with a huge smile on my face and gave him a kiss back. "I have to show you what mommy got me for my birthday." i told him running to my room, grabbing the big bag of gifts mommy gave me today. I pulled out the outfits mommy bought along with the many toys inside of it, and the diamond earrings that she got me too.

"Oohh kitten that's nice! But i got you something even better." He said as he walked over to the corner of the living room and grabbed a big bag, bigger than mommy's bag. I squealed! I was so excited and ready to see what he had gotten me. "Go ahead and open it kitten." he said smiling.

I didn't hesitate when he said that. Oh my gosh! He got me my own Bratz doll with my name Takiya on it. "I love it! I love it! I love it!" i screamed, jumping up and down. Then i pulled out four different outfits and a mini box. "Daddy what's this?" i asked curiously.

He took the box out of my hand and opened it himself and it was a really shiny, pretty necklace on it that said my kitten on it. "Turn around baby girl" he told me. I did exactly what he said. "This is to let you know that you will always be my little kitten, no matter how old you get. I love you Takiya." he said. I turned around after he was done putting it on my neck and gave him the biggest hug ever.

"I love you too daddy." i said with tears in my eyes. He looked at me and wiped my tears away and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Now let's go celebrate your 6th birthday" he said picking me up. "You not so small anymore though, getting a little heavy for your old man." he said and we both giggled.

"Kiya! Kiya! Wake up!" both twins were shaking me trying to wake me up. As i was opening my eyes i started to feel pain. Pain everywhere. Then the realization of what happened to me last night hit me and instantly i wished that i was back in my dream.

"You bleeding Kiya." Myra said with tears in her eyes. As i tried to get up to see what she was talking about i told them to step back. They did exactly what they were told. When i tried to stand on my feet my legs gave out on me because of how much pain i was in and fell straight on the floor. "Aagghh!" i screamed crying my eyes out. I just cant believe this happened to me. Both my sisters came over to hug me and we all cried together.

It was daytime before i knew it. I was still sitting on the floor with the twins cuddled beside me sleeping. I couldn't go back to sleep because flashbacks of Toms dirty hands all over me wouldn't leave my mind. I attempted to get back up again praying that i could actually stay up this time and it was a success. My legs felt weak and heavy but it got a little easier with each step.

I turned to look on my bed and there was a big blood stain on my bed. I looked down at myself completely forgetting that i had no clothes on. I had dry blood all on my legs and tears began to fall down my face again.

This was all my moms fault. If it wasn't for her being on drugs i wouldn't be going through this right now. My mind went back to their argument last night and the last thing i heard her say. She didn't want this to happen to me but if it wasn't for her being on drugs it wouldn't have happened it the first place.

Finally, after i stopped my tears from flowing i started packing me and the twins clothes and the important things that i know that we will need from now on. I don't know what my next move was going to be but it has to be to get out of this house. When we leave I do not plan on coming back so I gathered as much as possible. 

In order to get somewhere I know that there was only one person that could help us find somewhere to go. I picked up the phone to call my best friend Tamia and she picked up on the first ring.
   "Hey boo! Whats up? You ain't call me back last night bitch!"
   "Tamia i need you." I said as quiet as I could.
   "Whats wrong hun? You know what, never mind i'm coming ov-"
   "Nooo!" I screamed but still whispered as I cut her off. "I need to go somewhere with the twins where no one will find us."
   "Okay i got you. Is everything okay? You know what just meet me at the spot and we will talk there. I know this has got to be serious this time especially since you are taking the girls." she said sounding worried.
   "I'll meet you there in 30 mins. I'm getting our stuff together now. I love you." I told her holding back the tears from falling again.
   "I love you too." she said and we hung up. I have no idea what i'm going to do and it did nothing but make me want to cry but i'm going to stay strong for my sisters so i can at least pretend like i know what i'm doing for them. Any place is better than the one we are at right now.


I'm sitting here at the spot waiting for what seems like forever for Tamia to show up. The twins keep asking me what we are going to do every 5 mins and it started to irritate me. "I wish she would hurry up" I said aloud to myself. I had to think twice if i really wanted to take them with me but there is no way in hell i'm leaving them at that hell house.

When i left, my mom was sprawled out on the floor with a black eye and a pipe in her hand. That's an image that i don't think i could ever forget. I really wish my mom never stooped down to that point in her life but i guess shit happens. She was so beautiful before the drugs transformed her. The thought of her transformation disgusted me.

"Kiya can we go back home?" Maya asked looking sad as ever interrupting my thoughts.

"Where we are about to go is a lot better than home baby. We have to go somewhere until mommy gets better okay?" I told her even though i had no idea where we were about to end up but just to shut her up i had to tell her something.

Tamia finally walked in 5 minutes later like she isn't and hour late as usual. "What took you so long? I've been blowing you up!" I screamed at her.

"Girl don't do dat! You know i don't come out the house looking any type of way. My Mr. Right could be out here somewhere." she said. And its true. No matter where Tamia and i was about to go she had to be looking the cutest just in case she ran into her "Mr. Right". She had beautiful dark skin with her Kinky curly hair in a ponytail with her edges laid to perfection. Her out fit was color coordinated with her purple t-shirt on, her blue denim jeans with a black and purple belt to match her shirt and her black, purple and white Jordans. Usually i would come out looking up to par too but today i really wasn't feeling it so I just had on some jogging pants and a dingy white t-shirt. "Wait a minute...its got to be something wrong with you coming out like that." she said pointing to me with her face turned up. Once she got a good look at my face she could see the bruise that Tom left on my cheek when he punched my face. "Wait what the fuck happened to you Kiya?" she asked sounding worried.

"Tamia Tom raped me!" I said as I broke down into tears. She grabbed me in her arms and started crying with me. Good thing the twins were playing with each other paying us no mind because I wouldn't be able to handle all of us crying right now.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she held my face in her hands and looked me in my eyes while tears were pouring out of hers. She knows exactly what I'm going through because she went through the same thing a few years ago with her uncle. But her mom pressed charges and he ended up in jail. My mom doesn't give a fuck as long as she had a high.

"NO!" I yelled. She jumped a little. "No i'm not okay Tamia. I hurt in places I didn't ever think would hurt." I cried. We just sat for a little while crying silently.

"Look Kiya we are going to come back from this. Its going to make you stronger like it did me when rusty ass Jim raped me. You know my grandma loves you and the girls. I know she wouldn't mind y'all staying with her. And I'm going to tell her whats going on so she can think about making it a permanent situation." Tamia said. When she mentioned her grandmother tension instantly let up off of me. Her grandmother is the sweetest person anyone could meet and would give back to the world if she could.

"Okay" I said sniffling, feeling a lot better about where we will end up.

To Hell and BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora