Chapter 30

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Today is the day of Mia's funeral and I'm dreading every minute that gets closer to it. I posted her funeral on Facebook so that all her family and friends were notified about her death. I never realized how much Mia was known out here because it was always me and her. So many people were hurt about her death that it was hard to keep count on them. All I know is that her funeral will probably be packed with people.

"Come on baby girl it's time to leave." Mike said breaking my thoughts about everything.

I turned around and looked at him. My heart was filled with sadness and I didn't know if I was ready to confront the fact that after today, I will never see my best friend again. I seen her dead with my own two eyes but i still feel like she may be alive. Today was the day that reality will hit harder than it ever has when I see her in the casket knowing she's never coming out of there. "I don't think I am ready." I said leaning my head into his chest crying.

"Listen, we are going to get through this okay?" Mike said holding my face up, looking into my eyes. "Let's go and get this over with so we can go see our baby girl. You know she only has a day left in that hospital and she's coming home with us." he said. He knows exactly what to say to brighten this situation. Bringing up Amari pushed all of the bad thoughts out of the way.

"Okay. I'm ready." I said before giving him a kiss.

We walked to the car and the ride was silent. When we pulled up to the church it was packed. There was hardly anywhere to park. It was a good thing Mike made reserved spots for us and the family so we can get in when we need to. When we walked through the double doors in the church most people were seated and crying, while some were standing in the mini line waiting to view her body. I haven't seen her body since I found her in the tub of blood, so the closer I got to the casket the more my heartbeat sped up.

My heart was beating so fast I thought I would pass out right here in the middle of the aisle. "I can't do this." I said turning around to head back to the door.

Mike grabbed my arm before I could make it anywhere. "You have to do this Kiya. This will give you the clarification that you need to move on. I know it's hard but it will get better." He said looking into my eyes.

I turned back around to walk down the aisle to see Mia. When I got to her casket she looked so relaxed. She had on her favorite dress and her make up was done so flawless you could have mistaken her as being sleep. I stood there for the longest just staring at her while tears were flowing out of my eyes and down my cheeks.  All of a sudden, I heard a loud scream.

"Nooooooooooo! Please don't tell me my baby is gone Lord. Not my Mia Lord, not my Mia!" Mia's mom Sharonda cried coming down the aisle.

I grimaced as she was coming down the aisle causing a scene. "The nerve of this bitch showing up to her funeral acting like this like she's been there." I said quietly to Mike.

She went up to her casket and damn near crawled in it with her. The way she was all over it had me pissed. "Mia baby wake up girl!" she said hitting Mia's face lightly. "Why she so cold man why she so cold?" she cried.

I went up to her and grabbed her off of Mia. "Ms Ronda could you not do that. Those people worked hard to get her looking like that. Why are you here anyway?" I asked quietly, beyond irritated at her. Her tears stopped instantly when I asked her that question.

"What the fuck do you mean why am I here? This is my daughter's funeral. I know y'all was a little close or whatever but that don't mean I can't come see my child before she goes six feet under!" she yelled.

"Well it's cool that you came or whatever, but don't make a scene like you've been the best mother to her these past few years." I said.

"Look little bitch, you didn't have to go there. Just because I haven't been there doesn't mean I don't love my child. Now you betta get out of my face before you make me show off in this girl's funeral." she said waving her funky ass finger in my face.

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