Chapter 9

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As i started to opened my eyes i realized that i was in Mike's arms. He was carrying me into his penthouse sized apartment when i fully awakened.

"You done snoring?" he asked looking down at me smiling.

"I was not snoring so don't even do that." I said as he put me down. "This is your place?" I asked astonished at how nice and big his place was.

"Yes this is all me, well one of my places." he said as he walked over to the kitchen island and put his keys down. "Go ahead and make yourself at home, ima go and hop in the shower real quick." he said as he disappeared into one of the rooms towards the back of the apartment.

I just walked around and took everything in. Right at the door you take two steps down. When you look to the right its a huge kitchen that was black everything. Black cabinets, a huge black island with a sink sitting in the middle, and a black and silver flat surface stove. I almost thought he didn't have a refrigerator until i looked closely. It blended in beside the pantry door. I was so shocked. I've never seen a refrigerator built into a wall before. On the left of the door was an open space living room. He had a black fur rug that took up most of the floor right in the middle, and a white and black checkered, leather sectional couch with a 100' inch flat screen TV on the wall. Two tall white speakers stood on each side of the TV and to top it off it was a black and white marble coffee table that sat in the middle, the end tables were made the same way. When i looked up the lights were like spot lights all over the house. The way that he had the black and white colors together made it look so nice and neat. The windows were floor to ceiling with no blinds. I walked towards the window and i realized how far up we were from the ground. "How long did he carry me?" i asked myself. I walked over to the dining room which was black too! He had a black table and black chairs to go with it. I'm not sure i'm liking all of this black. Its nice to look at but it's got to be depressing looking at black and white all of the time.

I started walking down the hall that he disappeared into and the first door was a bathroom. I was happy to finally see some color. It was a marble green theme. The bathroom was bigger than your average bathroom but it wasn't as big as i thought it would be. It had a toilet a regular sink with the marble green color and it felt like marble. The part i loved about the bathroom was, the shower was a walk in one and it looked like the water can come from the top of the ceiling instead of the way a regular shower does. I walked out of the bathroom and walked into the room that was across from it and it was a bedroom. Way bigger than my bedroom. It had a king sized bed with a gorgeous royal blue plush head board, the headboard also had small round tables sitting on each side of the bed connected to it. It was sitting on the opposite side of the windows which were still floor to ceiling so you could see the city as soon as you woke up in the morning. There was a double door closet and a TV sitting on the wall over top of the dresser. With me being as nosy as I am i just had to go over and look inside of the closet to see if there was anything in it. When i opened the doors i fell in love. The closet was the same size as the bathroom i just checked out. It was just so spacious and so empty you could see a piece of dust if it was there.

I walked out of the room to see if there were any extra rooms and that was it, except the one that was closed at the end of the hallway and i'm guessing that is Mike's bedroom. I know that it will be nice because the rest of the house is stunning. I walked to the end of the hallway and grabbed the door knob just so i could take a peek and as i was turning the handle Mike swung the door open. I jumped back so far and quick from being scared to death and he just stood there looking scrumptious in nothing but a towel. Water dripped down his chest and 8 pack. The tattoos that he had all over his chest, shoulders and upper arms made him that much more sexier.

I realized I was staring and biting on my bottom lip and felt all the blood rush to my face. "S-s-sorry, I-I-I didn't mean to..." I stuttered trying to find the words to say because i got caught snooping around and because he was looking so good i lost my train of thought.

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