Chapter 16

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. When did Mike do this? I just had my eyes on him literally hours ago. I looked at Mike and i know that he seen all the questions i had because of the way my face was.

"This is what you wanted right?" he asked walking over to Tom. There were two other guys down here posted up against the wall. They looked very familiar but i couldn't put my finger on where I seen them before. Mike stood behind Tom while the other guys stood behind Mike. All i can think is shit is really about to go down in here.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Mike and then walked upstairs so that we could have our privacy. "Why didn't you tell me that you had him down here while we were on the way?" i asked when he finally came up the steps after waiting for a few minutes. It would have been better if I at least knew what i was walking into and i could have been prepared but right now I'm just shocked. This was the last thing I expected when Mike told me to get in the car.

"I know that you have questions that you want answers to but this is your time to let out what you've been holding in your whole life." he said.

He's right. I've been holding this in my whole life. It's time for Tom's karma to come kick him in the ass.

I walked back down the steps to look at the man that's ruined my life. My family's life. I walked up to him and picked up my hand and smacked him with everything I had in me. He just grunted and slowly started to open his eyes. They weren't open for a good 5 seconds before he passed out again.

Mike snapped at on the guys that was standing against the wall. The man looked at Mike and ran upstairs. A few moments later he came back down the steps with a mop bucket. When he walked pass me I heard ice in the bucket. He walked over to Tom and poured ice cold water all over him. That woke him up for good. "What the fuck!" Tom yelled. And then his eyes landed on me. "Ain't you Sherry's daughter?" he asked. Why the hell is this sicko asking me questions like he's not tied up getting the shit beat out of him? "Ohhh yes, yes you are Sherry's daughter. How could i forget that face and those pretty eyes you got." he said grinning.

I walked over to him and slapped him again. Once again giving it my all. "You are a fucking sick man." I said through gritted teeth. That same smile he had on his face when he busted in my room was the same one that he was wearing on his face even after i smacked the shit out of his face. I had to turn around because looking at him face to face was way different than watching him like I've been doing the past few weeks.

"Damn girl that ass done got way fatter since I seen it last." Tom said.

I turned back around and Mike quickly went up to him and shoved his gun in his mouth. "Disrespect her one more time and it all ends right now." Mike said.

"Mike, please I got this. Could you just give us some privacy please. I will come out when I'm done but i need this to be to myself." i asked Mike.

He took his gun out of Toms mouth and took my hand. He walked me up the steps. "I'm gonna let you do what you gotta do but as soon as you need me or you feel like you can't go through with it just yell my name and I'm here okay?" He said and then gave me a kiss.

"I got this." I assured him. Mike handed me his gun and I walked back down the steps. Now it was only me and Tom in a room to ourselves.

"You must missed the way this meat was feeling. I knew you would come back one day." he said grinning. This man made me so sick to my stomach.

"What I want you to do is tell me why. Why did you have to come and ruin my mom's family when you have a family of your own you could have torn apart.?" I asked. Before I did anything to him I needed answers to the questions I had. I walked behind him and seen there was a table full of different knives, hammers, wrenches, and anything I could possibly think of to torture someone. I put Mike's gun down and picked up a very sharp butcher knife. I walked back towards him. "You still haven't answered my question yet." I took the knife and lightly dragged it from his shoulder down his arm. I made sure it was light enough so that it didn't cut him.

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