Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up feeling rejuvenated. I looked at my phone to check the time and it was 7:00 a.m. Not sleeping has been taking a real toll on my body and that conversation with Mike last night helped me relax and finally catch up.

I maneuvered out of Mike's hold so that i could get up and do my morning routine without having Mike do it all for me for the first time in days. I got in the shower, washed my hair, and brushed my teeth. I found a cute sundress to put on out of my closet along with some flip flops and cute jewelry. Then I sprayed on some perfume to finish it all off.

My hair has been looking crazy for a while so I decided that i needed to take the time to flat iron it and wear it straight. After i finished my hair I dabbed a little lip gloss on my lips and looked myself in the mirror and felt like a whole new person.

Mike was still sleep so I decided that I will fix him some breakfast in bed. I made him some turkey sausage, eggs, and pancakes with blueberries in them. As I was putting the finishing touches on his plate I got a phone call from an unknown number. I didn't answer because I don't like answering numbers that I don't know.

"Baby." I said walking into the room with his plate and juice in my hand. Of course he didn't budge. It always takes a little extra to wake him up. I sat his plate down on my side of the bed and went over to his side. I started kissing his lips and eventually he started kissing back. I knew that would wake him up. "Good morning." I said looking at him finally opening his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." He said sitting up. "You looking mighty good right now. I've missed this girl, even though i will take you however I can get you." he said pulling me close to him. He kissed me again but this time parting my lips with his tongue. My girl started to get a little moist. It has been a few days since we made love but I wanted to try and get things done today so this is going to have to wait until later.

I stopped the kiss and his hand from sliding up my dress. "I made you breakfast." I said getting up walking over to his plate.

"You are my breakfast." he said giving me that sexy look while biting down on his lip.

"Babe i took my time making this, so you need to eat it before it gets cold." I said bringing his plate to him.

"Mmm, baby girl this looks good as hell." he said looking at the plate while rubbing his hands together ready to dig in.

"I just want to let you know how grateful I am for you helping me through everything these past few days. Even down to washing my ass for me. You are the best boyfriend a girl could ask for." I said sitting down beside him watching him dig into the food.

"I told you, and I will tell you again, that's what I am here for. I wouldn't do it any other way." he said and then started digging into the plate again.

"Thank you baby. Well i'm going to go out and run a few errands and I will be home later. Will you be here?" I asked hoping that he will be home for the surprise I have for him later.

"I gotta run out to do a few things but it won't take me long. I pretty much took this whole week off to be here for you." he said with a mouth full of food.

I was so happy with that answer. I went over to him and gave him a kiss on his forehead and headed downstairs to grab my thi.

The first thing I wanted to do today was go and get my feet and nails done and I can't do that without my right hand by my side, even though i'm mad at her for telling Drew about what we had planned to kill Tom. I pulled my cell out and dialed her number. After a few rings she answered the phone.

"Hello." Mia cried into the phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned on why she is crying.

She started crying even harder into the phone. She tried to talk but she couldn't get out any words that i understood.

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