Chapter 11

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3 Months Later

Everything has been going great since the incident with Vonte. Nobody has heard from nor seen him. I haven't really thought about him until today when we rode past the hotel he brought me to for those few days. When Vonte and I were together i should have known that he was a liar and a player because in the 2 years we were together I never knew his family or friends. Never been to his job. Nothing. Just him.

Mike made me realize how good of a man he is and how much I mean to him. I've met all of his friends, the friends that he calls family since he doesn't have anybody. He says that he wants to show the world my beauty while i'm by his side. And then everyone will know that we belong to each other. I am his and he is mine.

"You good over there baby girl?" He asked interrupting my thoughts. He looked at me with one hand on the steering wheel looking sexy as hell. His waves were still as wavy as the ocean. His beard was still full, long, groomed and shiny. And he looked even better in his chill clothes, a wife beater shirt that made his muscles pop out and his eight pack show. He also had on some black Gucci shorts with some white dopes. I don't know how God created something so perfect but i do know i'm looking at his best creation.

"Yea i'm good baby, just thinking about how sexy you are and how you make me feel." I said to him smiling.

"And how do i make you feel?" he said putting his hand on my thigh and rubbing it. His touch does something to me every time he connects with my skin. As he was rubbing my thigh i was making me horny and he knew it.

"You make me feel like somebody." i said to him. His hand traveled to my upper inner thigh.

"Oh is that right." he said using the tips of his fingers to tickle my inner thigh.

"Yes it is." I said moving his hand out of the way. "Shouldn't you be focused on the road?" I asked trying to get him to concentrate on getting us to our destination safely.

"You right, You right. But you know i cant keep my hands off of you for long." he said smiling showing his bright white teeth.

"I know. I'm so excited about this trip Mike. You just don't know how important this is to me." I said excited.

"I know exactly how important this is to you baby girl. That's why i don't mind taking the time off to take you. Your smile keeps me going, and to know that i'm the one that is causing makes my dick hard." he said grabbing that fat meat in between his legs. That made me laugh. He always has some way to make it a joke but at the same time he was so serious.

"Well Atlanta Georgia, here we come!" i yelled putting my hands in the air with the biggest smile on my face. I haven't seen my sisters in 5 years and i am finally going to see them. Mike surprised me last night telling me to pack my bags for a week to go to Georgia. I've been talking to them here and there over the years but to see them in the flesh is something different. I don't even know what my sisters look like anymore. Just the thought of seeing them made me teary eyed.

We were finally one hour away and the anticipation was killing me. Mike pulled over to the gas station and went inside to pay for gas. The girls didn't even know that i was coming down and i wanted it to stay that way so i could surprise them. I did have to get in contact with my aunt so i could get her address but she agreed not no tell the twins I was coming.

Mike finally got back into the car. "I've been driving for almost 8 hours baby girl, ya boy is tired." he said. "While we down here i'm going to teach you to drive so you can help me get back." He continued and started the car.

"I was never taught how to drive but when i do ima drive just as fast as you." I said feeling confident and ready to finally get behind the wheel.

"Nah you can't do that." he said chuckling. "Not in this baby anyways." he said referring to the all black Mercedes Benz we were riding in. "But one day i'm going to let you drive the Corvette on a back road and you can drive as fast as you want. But first thing's first, you need to know how to drive." he said.

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