Chapter 23

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When I  opened my eyes it was dark, dark everywhere. Shortly after, I realized that I was in a really confined space. I felt a bump which caused me to jerk to the other side of the confined space. My head hurt, it hurt really bad and I couldn't understand why. I can't help but to think where am I? Before you know it my whole world went black again.

I opened my eyes slowly and I realized I was hanging on someone's shoulder upside down. I felt wetness coming from my head dripping down my face and onto the ground. I kept going in and out. My eyes couldn't stay open for anything. The person that's carrying me is walking. "Where am I?" I managed to get out. I said it so low that i'm sure the only person that heard me was me. I tried to get down but my body wouldn't move. I felt paralyzed. Every time I tried to push myself up and off of this person my body rejected me. "Please." I said as loud as I could but it all came out as a whisper.

My eyes closed again but I wouldn't let them stay closed this time. I had to fight to open them but they opened. I managed to lift my head up and when i looked I realized I was in the same neighborhood Mike brought me to the night I saw my ex Vonte dragging that girl across the street. Why am I here?

My head was pounding as I managed to get a few words out. "Please let me down, Please." I begged. This time I know the person that was carrying me heard me because I said it clear but they didn't budge. He just continued walking and carrying me on his shoulder. We started coming up to an abandoned looking house. "Where's Mike?" I said right before my world went black again.

When I finally came to, this time I was in a dark room that stinks. It smelled like poop and pee and it instantly made me throw up. "Are you pregnant?" a voice from the other side of the room asked.

"Yes." I said as a looked over to where the voice came from. It was a girl and she was covered in filth. She had no clothes on at all and it looked like it was dirt all over her. "Where are we?" I asked her. I moved a little closer to her so I could get a better look. I was happy that my body finally let me move even though my head felt like I was carrying a thousand pounds on it.

"I don't know. I've been here so long I just kind of lost count of how long I've even been here." she said. My heart started pounding. What did she mean she didn't know where we were.

I touched the part of my head that hurt the most and when I looked at my fingers there was blood on them. "Oh my God." I said as tears started to fill my eyes. "What is happening?" I asked trying to put all of this together. "I've been kidnapped?" I asked myself as my senses finally started to catch up to me.

"Welcome to hell." the girl said coming close to me with a wet and dirty wash rag.

"Hell? What do you mean hell?" I asked confused on what she meant.

"You will see." she said dabbing the dirty rag on my head.

When I looked up at the girl I realized she looked super familiar to me. "Do I know you?" I asked her as she cleaned my head.

"Probably not." she said nonchalantly.

It started to click in my head where I'd seen her from. "I don't know you but I do remember where I seen you." I said stopping her from cleaning my head. I looked into her eyes.

"Where?" She asked.

"You were the one at the club that day giving me and my best friend Mia those looks. You came up to Mike trying to shoot your shot with him but he kicked you out of the club for slapping him after he turned you down." I said remembering the whole entire scene that happened that night. That was the night I met the love of my life.

"Oh yea, I do remember you now." she said shaking her head. "I've been here since that night. If I had just kept my mouth shut I wouldn't even be here right now." she said as tears ran down her cheeks.

To Hell and BackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant